Registration of firms, the enterprises (LLC, OJSC) in Yerevan (Armenia)
To maintain business activity in Armenia it is necessary to pass through one of two procedures:
- Company registration
- Private entrepreneur registration (PI)
Mainly the companies’ registration is necessary for the commercial organisations which are involved in entrepreneurial activity. Company registration is necessary for noncommercial organisations as well, though they can maintain business activity only for achievement of the aims for the sake of which they are created.
No doubt, the company registration is a not a simple process and you need to start it by choosing the organisational-legal type of your future company. We will provide you with assistance to choose the best and the most convenient organisational-legal form for your business. As a result, you can make a choice:
To register OJSC
Detailed Overview of Companies’ Registration (commercial organisations).
Legal entities registration is an important component of the legal practice. The armenian lawyers and attorneys whose duties involve the registration of the companies, must possess not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also have to be familiar in details with the registering bodies work process peculiarities and their requirements (sometimes not completely legal).
The approach to the process of the companies' registration as technical procedure when typical documents are used only is not sufficient. First of all the legal adviser specialized on companies registration should get acknowledged to the requirements of the customer, and, if necessary, must help the customer to define them. Prior to starting preparation of the documents and registration process it is necessary to define key characteristics of the future company.
Companies’ Registration Procedure in Armenia
The process of the companies' registration is preceded by a choice of the organisational-legal type of the future company. It is a point of top importance which defines the managerial process of the company, relationship between shareholders, the order of profit distribution and other issues. After the registration it is not simple to change the organisational-legal form of the company. This procedure of changing is called "transformation".
Further, during the registration process you will need to define the company's name. The Armenian legislation stipulates the name check when registering the company. Besides, you should not choose the names same or similar with the registered trademarks (for example, LLC "Coca-Cola", CJSC "Mercedes", etc.).
You can register the company with abbreviated name and/or in a foreign language. In the future it is possible to change such name.
The next important point in companies' registration process is the share capital. At first, it is initial money resource of the company, and secondly it is the minimal size of company’s property. If you need to register a company of a certain type of activity (banks, the insurance companies), in this case Armenian legislation stipulates the higher size of share capital.
When registering a new company in Armenia, the shareholders must define the administrative order of the Company: the executive structure, the order of election and the termination authorities. As a rule, standard two-tier system is used: the Chief Executive (the Director General, the President) and General Meeting. It is very important to thoroughly set up the terms and the order of the executives’ selection othervise the conflicts of interests and the struggle for the control in the Company are possible in the future.
The registration of the company with limited liability is conducted only when a definite address of the company's location is available, i.e. you can register the company only when you mention in the constituent documents the certain legal address which can either coincide or not with the real address. If the company still does not have agreement on rent of any premise, then you can obtain the legal address: the legal address is needed only for the registration, and the Company does not have to be located only and exactly at the mentioned address
The companies’ registration requires defining the types of activity of the company. It is sufficient to describe approximately what activity the company is going to be involved, and then our professionals will define the types of activity. For the fulfillment of some types of business activities the special permission (license) is required along with the registration of new company.
For example, if operations under accounts will significantly differ from the initially declared activity of the company, the bank can offer (or demand) to change the types of activity.
After shareholders have chosen the organisational-legal form, the company name and other initial data, our highly skilled lawyers and attorneys will start working out of constituent documents and registration of the companies. Yerevan is an extremely active business city, thus numerous registrations of the companies (LLS, CJSC, OJSC and other companies) are fulfilled every day in Yerevan.
Companies' registration in Yerevan as well as in whole Republic of Armenia is carried out by Legal Entities Registration Agency under the Republic Armenia Ministry of Justice.
Enterprise registration is very responsible procedure and it should not be neglected.
The matter is that the errors occurred at the registration of the company can affect not only the process of the documents application. The registering body may register the company taking as a basis the data you provided. However, if this data is not valid further your company is exposed to the risk of compulsory liquidation! The inadvertent commitment of such errors certainly will not exempt you from responsibility.
These subtleties and nuances cannot be learnt, even if you thoroughly studied the legislation. That is why it is worthwhile that the registration of the companies in Yerevan should be performed by professionals.
If you need to register your enterprise the professionals of law firm «Your Jurisconsult» will solve your problems responsibly and quickly as much as possible!
Many customers who have applied for our services of enterprise registration (LLS, CJSC, PE) remained with us, became our permanent customers and use our legal subscriber services over territory of Armenia and abroad.
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We express our gratitude to the law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for professional legal protection of the interests of our organization in relations with the tax authorities. High qualification and expertise help us to defend the rights of our company and prevent unwarranted use of economic sanctions.
"Syscon" LLC Batyr Durdyyev Business Manager