How to open LLC
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How to open LLC

                                          How to open LLC in Armenia

         If you are in doubt what organizational-legal form your company should have - LLC, OJSC or CJSC, it is necessary to consider that the most simple and favorable option in most cases is LLC. One of the main advantages of this option is that you can open LLC without any significant assets invested as the capital. For example, you can invest a computer (the minimum size of the authorized capital to open LLC. Yet the Law does not determine the minimal investment size, but in some cases this is obligatory)
For launching a company (LLC in particular) you will have to pass state registration procedure. For this purpose it is necessary to prepare a package of documents. By the moment of applying for registration and opening of the company you should also solve issues regarding the location of your future company (the legal address) and the size of the authorized capital. If you have decided to open a company (LLC, in this case) using so-called «the mass legal address» - remember, that in such case there is a possibility that registeration bodies will deny your application.

        The list of the documents, necessary to open LLC:

1. The decision / minutes of the meeting on LLC creation. This document should contain the data regarding who and when has taken the decision on creation of a limited liability company, the information about statement of the charter, director assignment, data on the size of the authorized capital, terms of the capital pay-offs, etc.
2. The application of an exactly defined form, filled strictly in accordance with rules and regulations.
3. LLC charter. 
4. The receipt on State Tax transfer.

If for any reasons you do not wish to launch the company in form of LLC we recommend to you to consider an option to register as a private entrepreneur. A private entrepreneur registration process does not require even the minimum authorized capital. You also will not face the legal address problem. But in case of failure in the business there is a significant minus: the private entrepreneur is personally responsible by his own property for the amounts owed by his business, whereas the responsibility of LLC shareholders is limited only by the amount of the invested capital.

        How long does it take to launch LLC? Only 2 working days are required if the professionals of the company «Your jurisconsult» are engaged.

       Should you have any questions on LLC launch process, the experts of the company «Your jurisconsult» are always at your disposal and ready to help you.

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