The lawyer for business – one of the main priority activities of the Lawyer company "Your Jurisconsult". Lawyers have long-term experience in legal service and support of the enterprises, businessmen in the most various directions of business.
With us You get the whole complex of legal services. We offer the whole complex of legal services and other ancillary services related to the business activities and the protection of the business interests of legal persons and physical persons - entrepreneurs on a regular or case-by-case basis.
• consultation, conclusions on legal issues;
• informational legal support (normative materials, reference information);
• legal examination and elaboration of agreements, contracts, corporate documents;
• the preparation, drawing up and filing of applications, claims, suits;
• participation in negotiations with third persons;
• representation of interests in bodies of state power and local self-government;
• departure to the client in case of need in the course of audit of the enterprise controlling bodies;
• conducting cases in courts and at the stage of executive production;
• consultations about the management and setting of personnel office-work;
• implementation of registration procedures (registration of enterprises, registration of representative offices of foreign companies, changes in the constituent documents);
• legal support of transactions with the real estate, the state registration of rights to immovable property;
• examination of the materials of the case and assessment of judicial prospects.
• optimization of taxation;
You choose the list and volume of services necessary for You by yourself.
Pros of legal business support:
• qualified conduct of negotiations;
• practical experience of advocates and lawyers allows to solve a variety of problems;
• non-disclosure of information about the client, an closed access to information on the activities of the company;
• the contractual regulation of relations;
• economy of financial means due to the lack of problems, connected with the content of their own legal department.
You have to address to Business Lawyer in Armenia, in case of creation and organization of a new business. The desire to save a certain amount of money without understanding and knowledge of the different laws, which regulate the activity of a business, as well as the laws of compliance with, which is necessary for a successful start of the new business, can lead to the fact that the correction of mistakes can cost much more than the original cost, which was necessary to spend for hiring a lawyer to organize your business.
If You have closed joint-stock company, open joint-stock company, limited liability company, private company You should make sure that you have correctly selected the organizational-legal form of the company for the correct capitalization, comply with the legal formalities and properly execute documents and agreements. Otherwise non-observance of all above said may lead to disputes, financial losses.
Lawyers of the armenian lawyer company " Your Jurisconsult " will help you to choose type of the managing subject that best of all suits to your business. And also to prepare organizational documents for business (charters, decision protocols, etc.). The lawyer also can provide information on need to get licenses for your business. We’ll make it at very reasonable price.
Hiring the first employees
The company, which do not have their employees in the future may face claims on their intellectual property, and also bear the risks associated with the possibility of disclosure of commercial secrets. Disputes and claims from employees arise, as a rule, because the company is not able to clearly define the employment relationship with an employee from the very beginning.
We can prepare the labor contracts, the contracts of assignment of inventions and non-disclosure agreements. We can advise You as to the availability of nuances, which lead to expensive disputes of employees in the area of intellectual property and the share ownership. We can also help you in case of termination of employment.
Allocation or the issue of shares, bonds and other securities. The allocation or the issue of shares, bonds and other securities to a large extent regulated by the state and the legislation on securities. Compliance with legal regulations is complex and consequences of non-compliance can be serious. Company, its directors, officers and advisers can be held liable for losses incurred by the shareholders or owners of securities, if the securities were issued with violation of the law.
Planning of creation and development of new products and services
Our lawyers will help you to take measures for protection of the property rights to all creative works and intellectual property of firm, including inventions, patents, trade secrets, trademarks and copyright of territories of Armenia.
When you sell goods or you render services, you are able to establish or initiate conditions of the main contract. But the companies not always use this fact. The lawyer can prepare the draft of these agreements for the solution of your specific objectives with conditions which best of all protect your interests.
Rent, agreements with suppliers, distributor agreements and other contracts prepared by the third parties, are often unilateral and are made in their advantage. Lawyers will help to revise your contract prepared by third party, to find problematic areas and prepare the relevant contractual amendments or additions.
Disputes within the company
Disputes between co-owners, partners, shareholders, directors, heads and key employees can negatively be reflected in the company, its financial stability if they'll not be solved. Lawyers will consult you about arising dispute, prepare legal options and offer practical ways to help to solve disputes and disagreements in the company.
Business acquisition
Acquisition of a business involves the mass of tax and legal issues. Our lawyers will pick up the most suitable structure of acquisition, will pay due attention to the existence of undeclared and unforeseen obligations and risks, coordination of conditions and transaction documents. Will help you to fulfill all standard and contractual requirements necessary for the end of the transaction.
Business sale
Sale of business involves tax and legal issues, make influence on shareholders, employees and clients. Our lawyers will consult you concerning your obligations to shareholders, employees and clients and will help you to define transaction structure which is the most favourable for you. Also will help to provide consultations concerning tax consequences and fulfill all standard and contractual requirements necessary for the end of the transaction.
Business continuations after the leaving of management team
The change of the management team by the owner of the enterprise, without appropriate transfer of business, and also the leaving of the management team by the reason of death, illness, etc., these can lead to negative consequences. Our lawyers will help with the consultation how to avoid unforeseen expenses. Lawyers can prepare contracts for the solution of your specific objectives.
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The company "Germany Business Association" expresses its sincere gratitude to the specialists of law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for qualified help and support in solving existing problems.
Country Director Patrick Jung