In what order the state registration about the birth is carried out?
In the act of the birth of the child the mother who was in marriage and the father register as parents of the child, on the basis of the statement of one of them. In the act of the birth the middle name of the child is filled with a name of the father.
If parents of the child aren't in marriage, data on the father are filled in:
a) on the basis of entry in the act of paternity recognition
b) on the basis of the written statement of mother of the child if the paternity isn't defined. In this case the surname of the father is filled with a surname of mother, a name of the father and his middle name - according to instructions of mother.
If parents of the child aren't in marriage, in a birth statement of the child, at the request of mother, data on the father of the child can not be filled.
In a birth statement the name of the child is filled by a mutual consent of parents. In case of different surnames of parents, the surname of the child is filled with a surname of the father or mother, by their mutual consent.
The written application about registration of the birth of the child is submitted to REGISTRY OFFICE body no later than within a year from the date of its birth.
The state registration of the birth of the child who has reached one year also is more senior, in the presence of the document of the established type on the birth, given out by the doctor or the medical organization, is carried out on the basis of the written statement of parents (one of parents) or other interested person.
On reaching the child of majority the state registration of its birth is carried out on the basis of his own statement.
What documents are submitted for the state registration of the birth?
For registration of the birth of the child in Armenia are represented:
1 . the written announcement.
2 . identification paper of the applicant or parents (one of parents)
3 . the documents being the basis for filling of data on the father in a birth statement of the child (for example, the marriage certficate, the certificate on divorce, the certificate on death of the father)
4 . the document certifying the birth of the child
4.1 . the document of the established sample on the birth, given out by medical institution where there was a birth, or
4.2 . the document of the established sample on the birth, given out by medical institution where medical care was rendered at the birth, or
4.3 . the document of the established sample on the birth, given out by the person who is engaged in medical activity in RA established by the legislation an order, in case of the birth out of medical institution, or
4.4 . in case of the birth out of medical institution and without rendering medical care - the written announcement of the established sample of the birth, given by the person (faces) present at the birth and the certificate of a state of health of the child, given out by medical institution.
In case of absence of the above documents the state registration of the birth of the child is made on the basis of the judgment which have entered into validity certifying the fact of the birth of the child.
5 . Besides the above documents, one copy of the prisoner with substitute mother in the order of the contract established by the law if the state registration of the birth of the child is made according to the announcement of the persons which were in marriage who used the private technologies provided by the law in the reproductive sphere.
In what terms the state registration of the birth is made?
The state registration of the birth is made in day of filing of application in REGISTRY OFFICE Armenia body.
What legal consequences are rendered by the state registration the birth in Armenia?
With the state registration of the birth to the child his first document by means of which the child has the rights is issued: medical care, lump sum, different public programs, etc.
What tariff of the state tax?
For the state registration of the birth, including and issue of the Certificate, the state tax isn't raised.
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