Protection of interests and legal assistance of foreigners.
- Oral or written consultation according to legislation RA
Selection and study of legislative act.
- Analysis of contract conditions
Study of contract conditions. Entering needed changes or constituting new contract.
- Contract engineering
Constituting of the contract draft
- Assistance in case of conclusion with Armenian partners and participation in negotiations.
Study of documents to be signed. Participation in negotiations.
- Representation of interests in arbitral and civil court.
Participation in the court session. Study of material.
Constituting of necessary applications and declarations.
Each word and phrase has essential significance in the contracts, carrying the certain legal meaning. Thus it is very important to phrase the text of the contract correctly and precisely from the legal point of view.
Our lawyers will help to exclude the conditions not appropriate to the current legislation and replace the uncertain formulations of conditions of the contract to standard and legally correct ones, will exclude from the text of the contract those conditions, which violate your rights and will include in the contract those conditions, which are necessary for observance and protection of your interests. If the contract stipulates the appendices to the contract, additional agreement to the contract or act, we shall constitute them.
Legal Group "Jurisconsult" delivers legal advisories on questions connected to;
- Civic legal relations
- Administrative legal relations
- Lab our legal relations
- Family legal relations
- Attending of execution of the decisions of court
- And also in the defense of rights of consumers etc.
During the consulting process about the legal questions our specialists can provide legal conclusions both orally (by telephone during the direct dialogue and also with departure of the lawer in the office of the client or the other place) and in writing on the following directions:
- Legal examination of the documents (contracts, lab our and other contracts references in bodies of state authority etc.).
- Constituting, change of economic and other contracts.
- Engineering and attending of the internal documentation (legal base) of the organization (lab our agreements, provision about the personnel, provision about the commercial secret of organization, instructions, orders, etc.).
- Legal attending at the work with the staff (registration of employment, dismiss ion etc.).
- Representation in the negotiation with the co-signatories, officials of state power and local home rule etc.
- Legal attending of the agreements
- Representation on cases about the appeal of actions of state bodies and officials.
- Consultation on questions connected with ROAD ACCIDENT (immediate departure on the place of failure, representation in group of analysis, insurance company).
- Exact of debts (non-payment and conflicts, debit debts)
- Rendering assistance in the duly and lawful admittance of the declaration, manipulation and petition, acted to the address the client.
- Protection of the interests within the frame of execution of administrative offence.
- Preparation and duly exhibiting of claim to the co-signatories.
- Pre-trial settlement of chaffers.
- Constituting of the marital contracts.
- Preparation and registration of the documents for divorce.
- Section of asset of the marital partner.
- Exact of aliments and so on.
Lawyer consultations of the on various legal questions.
The legal support at the working with the employees.
- Working up the employment agreements (contracts) with development of the basic and additional conditions of the agreement, the agreement of lab our contract, missions etc., development of the official liabilities of the workers.
- Development the provisions about the material stimulation of the workers (awarding, compensation according to the results of the year, surcharge and extra charge) preparation of rules of the internal schedule.
- Legal advisories on final pay of average earnings for payment of holydays, target manuals, hospital sheets etc.
- Rendering lawyer assistance while making decision connected with labor code, including dismissals of the employee.
Legal advisory on complex questions of taxation and book-keeping, legal protection of the tax bearers.
- Legal analysis of the situation;
- Representation in tax authorities;
- Lawyer protection of the taxpayers rights in the court
Legal assistance at the road and transport incidents.
Examination (constituting) of contracts on acquiring of apartments and other objects of real estate property.
Legal advisories in the field of the real estate property, legal assistance at registration of the rights on real estate property and transaction with it in Moscow and in Moscow area, including garages, land sites, cottages.
Legal advisories in the field of the labor legislation.
- Observance by the employer of the rights, stipulated by the legislation, and guarantees at employment and executing of the service duties.
- Legal protection at employees dismissing.
The legal assistance on the housing and family legislation, heritable rights.
Attending of the transactions (contracts), constituting of the documents, including the marital contracts (patterns of the documents).
Protection of the rights of the consumers.
›What other services renders the Law office “Your Jurisconsult” ?
› Payment for legal services in Armenia
› How to registration a firm in Armenia ?
› Registration of changes of legal entities
› How to liquidate a firm in Armenia ?
› How to become the double citizen ?
› Comments on family end probate cases in Armenia
>What is important to know about obligatory millitary service in Armenia?
> Order of entering the Republic of Armenia
> Rights and responsibilities of foreigners in the Republic of Armenia
> Acces to petirement insurance and oension benefits in Armenia
>Customs registration of cargoes in Armenia
> Education of foreigners in Armenia
>The foreign investment in Armenia
>Citizens that have not completed mandatory military service in Armenia
> Marriage and Divorce in Armenia
> Birth registration in Armenia
> Assurance of documents - apostils of Armenia
> Paternity determination in Armenia
> Rules adoption of a child in Armenia
› Your child has been kidnapped, what to do ?
› International adoption in Armenia
› Help the attorney in Armenia on extradition
›Abandonment or renunciation of citizenship of Armenia

The company "Germany Business Association" expresses its sincere gratitude to the specialists of law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for qualified help and support in solving existing problems.
Country Director Patrick Jung