The lawyer company "Your Jurisconsult" renders legal services in escorting the clients of law firm at emergence of disputes with customs authorities concerning violation of the customs legislation of Armenia, illegal charge by customs authorities of penalties, confiscation of cargo.
The lawyer on customs disputes renders the following legal services:
• Representation and protection of interests in court by consideration of customs disputes on administrative and criminal cases;
• Appeal against illegal actions of customs authorities of Armenia and requirements about customs payment;
• Maintenance and assistance in questions of return of customs payments and duties;
• Legal examination of documents (contracts, commercial and other documents);
• Development and drafting of contracts, external economic contracts;
• Assessment of legality of actions and acts of customs authorities and their officials;
• Consultations concerning currency regulation of Armenia;
• Collection of information, data and proofs within customs dispute;
• Offset and return of excessively paid or enforced customs payments;
• Identification of customs risks when exporting or importing goods;
• The help in preparation of documents for registration of goods in customs authorities;
• Rendering services of the customs broker in Armenia, a carrier and storage of goods under customs locks in Yerevan;
• The translation of documents in a translation agency.
Effective solution of custom problems:
Turning to us for a help, you will receive qualified support for the decision of your tasks, save your nerves and many health issues, finance, and the most important thing time for your business.
Legal services rendered by the lawyer have an explicit specialization in administrative, economic, civil, customs law, which provides the necessary procedural actions aimed at the achievement of the necessary legal result.
During the customs registration (registration at the customs) quite often you can face with the arbitrariness of the customs bodies. Demand of unnecessary documents for customs clearance, the increase of the customs duties, the change of Commodity Nomenclature Code. This is only a part of possible abuse, aimed at the loss of the precious for the client time required for other tasks such as tasks of the foreign economic contract.
Preparation of documents for customs – doesn't assume customs registration and doesn't accept amateurish approach.
Lawyers of the lawyer company "Your Jurisconsult " will help you to avoid and if it is necessary to make every effort to solve the arisen legal conflicts with customs. The lawyer will provide you professional consultation in the field of economic, administrative and civil law, the legal aid will be rendered to you in most quick and effective way.
Customs lawyer Program:
The Customs Lawyer program which includes the fullest complex of services in maintenance of foreign economic activity of the client, particularly:
• Legal support of foreign trade transactions;
• The development of legal schemes of conducting foreign trade activities for the temporary import/export of property, raw materials, complete sets of object;
• Consulting on customs, tax legislation and representation of foreign companies;
• Examination of documents necessary for the customs clearance of the imported/exported goods, including the assessment ofrisks and tax consequences related to foreign economic activity;
• Legal support of subjects of foreign trade activities during the pre-trial settlement of disputes;
• Representation of client's interests when considering the external economic disputes, including in the countries of the CIS;
• Appeals against the decisions of customs authorities on the issues of determination of the customs value, classification of goods, acts of cameral audit, tax notifications;
• Judicial protection, including business management in courts of International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) at Chamber of Commerce of Armenia and at Chamber of Commerce of Russia and in courts of the special and general jurisdiction.
• Assistance in returning the overpaid amounts of customs payments;
• Legal assistance to persons authorized by the declaration in case of infringement of the customs rules, etc.
A scheme of cooperation with the law firm within the subscriber service can be very convenient for the enterprise. Such scheme allows for a small monthly payments (commensurate with the salary of one employee of the company) actually have a staff of legal Department, staffed by experienced professionals, working in different areas of law. These relationships help our customers to save financial means and at the same time get maximum legal support.
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We express our gratitude to the law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for professional legal protection of the interests of our organization in relations with the tax authorities. High qualification and expertise help us to defend the rights of our company and prevent unwarranted use of economic sanctions.
"Syscon" LLC Batyr Durdyyev Business Manager