There are some provisions of the law about citizenship of RA.
Article 11: the citizenship of a child born from the citizens of the Republic of Armenia.
The child, whose parents hold the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia at the moment of his/her birth, acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia regardless of the place of the birth.
The child, whose one parent holds the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia at the moment of his/her birth, while the other parent unknown or is a stateless person, acquired the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia.
In a case when one of the parents holds the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia at the moment of child's birth and the other parent is a foreign citizen, the determination of the child's citizenship based on a written consent of both parents.
In the cases of the absence of such consent the child acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, if he/she was born on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, or if he/she should become a stateless person unless he/she acquires citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, or in the parents permanently reside on the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
Article 16: the citizenship of child in case of acquisition by the parents of citizenship of the Republic of Armenia.
Child up to 14 years of age, whose parents have acquired citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, acquires of the Republic of Armenia.
If one of the parents has acquired citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, while the other is a foreign citizen or Stateless person, their child up to 14 years of age acquires citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, if the consent of both parents exists, or if child resides on the territory of the Republic of Armenia and consent of the parent who holds the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia exists.
Article 17: the citizenship of child in case of loss by parents of citizenship of the Republic of Armenia.
The child up to 14 years of age, whose parents have lost the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, looses citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, if he/she acquired the citizenship of another State.
If one of the parents has lost citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, while the other is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia their child up to 14 years of age looses the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, if consent of his/her parents exists or if the child resides outside the territory of the Republic of Armenia and consent of the parent who holds citizenship of the Republic of Armenia exists.
Article 18: the citizenship of child in case of adoption.
The child adopted by citizens of the Republic of Armenia acquires citizenship of the Republic of Armenia.
If one of the adopting spouses is a stateless person, while the other is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia the child acquires the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia.
If one of the adopting spouses is a foreign citizen, while the other is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia the child acquires citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, provided:
1) the consent of the spouses exists;
2) the child resides in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and consent of the parent who holds citizenship of the Republic of Armenia exists;
3) the child is a person without citizenship or may become a stateless person.
Article 19: the preservation of the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia in case of adoption.
The child who holds citizenship of the Republic of Armenia and is adopted by foreign citizens or married couple. Where one of the spouses is a foreign citizen and the other is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, retains its citizenship of the Republic of Armenia. In such a case child can relinquish its citizenship of the Republic of Armenia only tough an application by his/her adopting parents.
The child who holds the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia and is adopted by Stateless persons or a married couple. Where one of the spouses is without citizenship and the other is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, retains citizenship of the Republic of Armenia.
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Country Director Patrick Jung