The final stage of a civil case and the economic process is the compulsory execution of court decisions - the executive production.
Our lawyers have the required knowledge and practice in the direction of legal support at the stage of executive proceedings.
Legal services in the direction of the executive production:
• consultation on issues connected with the executive production;
• legal estimation of the actions of the court officers;
• representation of interests of the physical and legal persons in the executive production;
• exemption, exclusion and withdrawal of property from arrest (exclusion of property from the inventory);
• appeal against the actions (inactivity) of the state executive;
• restoration of missed terms to the presentation of a execution writ for execution;
• deferment and instalment of execution of judicial decisions;
• the provision of executive documents for execution;
• control of the executive production;
• detection of the debtor, detection of the property and assets of the debtor;
• familiarization with the materials of the executive production and assessment of prospects for the execution of the decision ofthe court;
• support during the conducting of actions of the executor;
• preparation and submission of all the necessary petitions, complaints, requests, cover letters;
• support and participation in the implementation of the debtor's property;
• legal review of documents;
• receipt of writs, decrees of judicial executors;
• appeal to the court on the issues of recognition and execution of decisions of foreign courts in Armenia;
• suspension of executive proceedings;
• support and provision of recovered funds;
• negotiations on the issues of voluntary execution of judgments of the court;
• recovery of damage caused by the actions of court officers.
Help with the execution of judicial decisions.
Finally the decision has been made according to the judicial dispute, but You still have not received property or money due to you? Or the respondent is not in a hurry to take the actions he has been obliged by the court. Unfortunately, as the practice shows, the joy of a favourable court decisions are most often premature. The satisfaction of the court claims may become useless stage of Your efforts without the proper execution of the court decision. Evasion of the respondent from the execution of a judicial decision, the imperfection of the executive procedure of the legislation and not always the proper work of judicial executors can be overwhelming for the average person.
Our company renders services on the acceleration of the execution of court decisions, control of executive production.
As it often turns out, the case won by the court adds only headache to the organization's management! Our legislation and the enforcement proceedings in Yerevan are far from being perfect. Therefore, often the work of court bailiffs is a paper registration of the absence of the debtor of his address.
Or the enforcement proceedings in Yerevan informs about the inability of exaction of debt. In all cases, the debtor remains as a winner.
Our lawyer offers its assistance with the execution of judgement in Yerevan:
• professional expertise of the debtor's property;
• monitoring the work of the service of bailiffs;
• consultation on executive production in Yerevan;
• preparing documents to appeal against the actions of public officials;
• recovery of damage caused by the inaction of judicial bailiffs.
We recommend not to leave the work of bailiffs without attention. Careful monitoring should coexist with the own efforts to find the debtor. Facts of finding the owners of a debtor organization or management staff will be real help the executive production in Yerevan.
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We express our gratitude to the law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for professional legal protection of the interests of our organization in relations with the tax authorities. High qualification and expertise help us to defend the rights of our company and prevent unwarranted use of economic sanctions.
"Syscon" LLC Batyr Durdyyev Business Manager