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The lawyer - insurance in Armenia

In the framework of the directions of provision of legal services in matters of insurance are provided  legal services  on maintenance of insurance contracts and the implementation of the protection of the clients’ interests collecting in a judicial order of the sums of insurance compensation and other insurance payments .

• Car insurance (motor vehicle insurance - incomplete payment by the insurance, delayed payments, refusal in payment of the insurance and the insurance compensation);

• cargo insurance;

• mortgage insurance;

• insurance of tourist trips;

• insurance of property and real estate of legal and physical persons  (the denial of payment in the event of fire, inflicting damage to third parties);

• insurance of life and health of citizens.

The services rendered within the direction of disputes with insurance companies:

• oral and written consultations of the lawyer concerning insurance;

• legal  estimation of the actions of insurance companies;

• legal support of examination and registration of the necessary documents;

• the development and drafting of claims and other documents;

• participation in negotiations with representatives of insurance companies;

• collection of evidence;

• representation of clients ' interests in general and economic courts of all levels;

• accompaniment of enforcement proceedings.

In most cases, insurers refuse to pay monetary compensation for the damage caused in consequence of the accident for the following reasons:

• the damage occurred as a result of other accidents or for other reasons;

• the nature of the damage  does  not correspond to the circumstances of the accident;

• untimely report  about the fact of the accident - car accident.

• insurance company claims that there hasn’t been an accident.

The most typical cases, when the insurance company refuses to pay the insurance indemnity:

• It has been more than a month from the moment of provision of all necessary documents for the payment of the insurance indemnity, but the insurance company doesn’t  pay the insurance indemnity;

• the employees of the insurance company refuse to accept your documents for  the payment of the insurance indemnity;

• the insurance company deliberately lowers the amount of insurance payments or  makes  an incorrect calculation of the cost of insurance compensation;

• the insurer  imposes  the calculation of the amount of damage for insurance recovery, evaluated by another valuation  company;

Our company offers legal services on representation of Your interests in front of insurance companies, in the courts and law-enforcement authorities.

We are glad to offer You  lawyers’  services  and legal support in questions of support of disputes with the  insurance company and  litigation with insurance companies.

The need of involvement of the insurance lawyer is caused by need of narrow specialization. Only the expert who has been working in insurance system for more than seven years and understood all nuances, will most qualitatively protect you in such disputes.

Even the best law firms aren't guided in area of insurance as the insurance lawyer because they have no long-term experience with all the insurers of Armenia, didn't carry out one hundreds of trials on the CASCO, and other types of insurance, haven’t  protected  dozens of  clients from claims of insurance companies, haven’t  analyse  thousands of  contracts and insurance rules.

We are the first company of  insurance  lawyers and  advocates  who defend the rights of clients in disputes with insurance companies. The range of our services is not limited by the provision of the client's interests in courts.

We will help you  competently to make a complaint against an insurance company to the controlling bodies (Central Bank of Armenia), carry out the analysis and audit of the insurance contract, accompany the signing of the insurance contract and will lead it all the lines of its actions, pick a  solvent  insurance company, according to the client's request.


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› Registration of changes of legal entities

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> Order of entering the Republic of Armenia

> Rights and responsibilities of foreigners in the Republic of Armenia

> Acces to petirement insurance and oension benefits  in Armenia

>Customs registration of cargoes in Armenia

> Education of foreigners in Armenia

> Employment  in  Armenia 

>The foreign investment in Armenia

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> Birth registration in Armenia

> Assurance of documents - apostils of Armenia

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›Abandonment or renunciation of citizenship of Armenia

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Thank you for your attention and responsibility, scrupulosity and reliability! For excellence and high level of competence in your chosen rather complex and sometimes controversial field of legal relationships!

DFID Armenia Regional Development Program Mr. Manfred Schober
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