The decision to immigrate is an important step in everyone's life, and respectively it is necessary for the immigration process to pass unhindered.
Consultations of specialists of the company in the sphere of immigration and emigration have very great value in the subsequent successful and correct registration of all necessary documents.
Our company offers high-quality immigration services for the clients in Armenia, provides all necessary information.
Our company has qualified immigration professionals.
We will translate documents and notarial assurance of translation of the document in any foreign language which is needed to be provided in embassy or consulate, registration of non-conviction reference , reclamation of duplicates of documents.
Our experts-immigration attorneys, will also present Your interests in courts.
Our purpose is the maximum reduction of migratory process, the correct preparation and formalization of a necessary package of documents by the various immigration programs.
We help people to implement their dream of life in other country.
We are specializing in the immigration right and we guarantee the correct and appropriate preparation of all necessary documents.
The role of the attorney in the immigration process
For what the lawyer is needed, if it is possible to pass the immigration process independently? The answer is simple - for the pass of immigration without fail. Practice shows that only small part of those who plans to move for example to Canada for permanent residencecan can independently pass immigration. And this fact has to be considered.
As a rule, those to whom "an ideal case" criterion applies have good chances of independent passing of immigration, namely:
"through- passage" specialty. Ideally it is engineering, technical and computer specialties such as "electronics engineer", "mechanical engineer", "programmer", etc. In addition, the profession should coincide with their education. Education should be only higher. If immigrating works as a programmer, but his education according to his diploma is "engineer-Metallurgist" or "the economist", the chances of self-passage of the immigration process are greatly reduced.
at least 5 years (minimum) of the intense work experience without a break by the claimed specialty. It is desirable to work not less than 3-4 years at one place - frequent dismissal causes a negative reaction.
"pure" family situation. The existence of previous marriages of one of the spouses, and furthermore the presence of children are not living with the family of immigrant after divorce, requires the provision of a greater number of certificates and documents, than usually.
The presence of more or less serious disease of one of their family members also makes a self - passage of the immigration problematic.
The number of people with "ideal case" is not many. But even they, among other things, have to understand the manuals and questionnaires sent from the Embassy, they should have a reasonably good level of English or French languages. And finally, just count on the fact that they are lucky, and the official who will consider their case, will treat them kindly, and will not find small faults in the documents, if any will be .
You should also take into account the fact that the points you consider as actually gained, will not be given to you automatically. In practice the immigrates are usually given less than what they expected.
Particularly, I would like to note the factor of "good luck", which is active in the immigration process. Anything else does not explain why people have all chances to go through the immigration process, being well-prepared for this, nevertheless get a waiver. On the other hand, there are many cases, when people, not having a better chance, and even on the contrary, whose case is more doubfull among specialists, nevertheless receive an immigrant visa. Therefore, for the sake of justice it should be noted that the passage of the immigration process with the principle of " the strongest wins" does not always work.
Another fact, which should also be taken into account - it is not important how good specialist and what a wonderful man you are, but how you presented yourself to the immigration officer. You are judged only by documents you submitted.What will an immigration officer see beyond the bare facts it is difficult to say. The immigration process, as any legal process, has a great touch of theatricality - it is important, who will better "play a role".
To sum up, we can say, that with the exception of a very small group of people that can do without a lawyer, for the rest of people the help of the expert is highly desirable .
What is the advantage of using the services of a lawyer?
Lawyer is well-versed in canadian law, familiar with the acts and regulations which are constantly published or accepted by the Ministry of immigration. All the documents, which should be prepared and sent to the Embassy, is preparing by a lawyer. You can be absolutely sure that your documents will be executed and prepared in the form which in the Ministry of immigration would like to see them. You should not neglect the fact that the form of documents is of great importance - not prepared in accordance with canadian standards documents will cause difficulty in reading by the immigration officials and as a result, cause he irritation and initially, configure him against you.
Familiar with your case, the lawyer can choose the most correct strategy, picking up your specialty, and description of your working life, which is consistent with the canadian mentality. The canadian mentality is different from the mentality of the people from the former USSR. What seems obvious residents of Israel , can be completely incomprehensible for canadian residents, and vice versa. Therefore, the documents, which were prepared by the attorney, executed taking into account nuances of their impact on the official, (will be clear and convincing) by studying your specific situation, the lawyer can determine in advance what additional documents from the standard list may require an immigration officer. He will prepare for you a list of the additional documents with explanations for their preparation and if necessary, with the prepared texts of some of them.
The additional documents received from you, with comments and explanations of a lawyer shall be attached to the file which you have to send to the Embassy. This ensures at least, reduction of time needed to process, and also will help protect themselves from the negative decision on your case.
Although a lawyer can not directly affect the immigration process after the documents of the client have been submitted to the
Embassy, the lawyer can provide indirect effects, and sometimes this influence helps to radically change the situation (if it for some reason it is adversely), as well as to reduce the terms of consideration of the case. A lawyer may make requests to the
Embassy (both written and oral) with a request to clarify the situation with the case of the client, discuss emerging issues and provide further clarifications, if needed.
the great value has a cover letter, which the attorney sends together with the documents of the client - in it he actually gives his presentation of the biography of the client with the notes of all the facts of the biography, and the arguments to show that the client gains the required number of points and has every reason to count on obtaining an immigration visa. All above said makes the documents of the client almost irresistible.
It is also important to remember what impression produces the participation of a lawyer on immigration officials.
firstly, involvement of a lawyer is already talking about the good financial position of the immigrant, confirming that he is a really good specialist, if he could earn enough money to pay for the services of a lawyer.
secondly, an immigration officer knows that the data that are represented by counsel, fully correspond to the reality - they can be embellished lawyer and interpreted in the right way, but all of this beautiful building is constructed on solid ground - facts.
So much easier for the immigration officers to work with documents of immigrant, and most often the view of immigrant's documents by the immigration officials is less biased.
thirdly, immigration officials know that in case of refusal to issue an immigrant visa they will be involved in litigation with a lawyer who will defend the interests of his clients.Very few people like such perspective.
and finally, lawyers with reputation are the well-known in the embassies, where they direct the affairs of their clients, they have informal relationships with many immigration officials. So purely on a human the immigration officials refer to their clients ' cases in a kindly manner.
Summing up all above said, the role of the lawyer can be formulated in the following way (of course, that we are talking about lawyers in good standing):
• Greatly increased the chances that you will receive an immigrant visa.
• In many cases – this is a shorter timeframe for completion of the immigration process (7-8 months compared with 1.5 - 2 years for those who are going through immigration on its own).
Who we advise to use the services of a lawyer:
• Who does not apply the "ideal case" option (described in the beginning of the article).
• If you are not sure that you are able to obtain all the documents properly.
• If you overloaded with the work and do not have the possibility to spare a lot of time to immigration process and thoroughly to understand the problems of immigration.
• If you want to obtain an immigrant visa for sure and don't want random factors to decide .
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"Syscon" LLC Batyr Durdyyev Business Manager