What documents are subject to survey by an apostille in Armenia?
Apostilizatsiyey in Armenia the signature, a position of the signed person, and also reality of the press or a stamp on the document are confirmed.
On the basis of the Hague Convention of 1961<about the announcement invalid requirements of legitimation foreign official documents >by RA Ministry of Justice apostille it is put on the following official documents.
• according to the law RA <about a notariate> the documents certified or approved by the notary and the copies, the certificates granted by the notary certified by the notary transfers
• the documents relating the births, the death, given out by REGISTRY OFFICE bodies,
• the documents issued by service of ensuring compulsory performance of judicial acts,
• originals of the documents issued by vessels of Armenia.
From the Ministry апостил it can be put and on the documents issued by other bodies if the validity of the signature put on them is certified of a notarial order.
Apostil is put only on those documents which are sent to member countries of the above Convention. Apostil isn't put on those documents which are sent to the countries united by the Minsk Convention on January 22, 1993 "About legal aid and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases", i.e. member countries of the CIS, and also to Bulgaria, Lithuania and a number of the countries provided by international treaties of RA
What body carries out assurance by an apostille?
Statements for statement of an apostille are discussed, and апостил is put by REGISTRY OFFICE body at RA Ministry of Justice.
In what order assurance by an apostille is made?
The statement for apostille statement on the document rejects if:
a) the document doesn't meet the requirements of RA constitution,
b) the document is submitted with violation of requirements of the Minister of Justice of RA,
c) in the statement it is noted that the document is sent only to the country which hasn't united to the Hague Convention,
d) the document contains not confirmed nzmeneniye or mistakes,
e) The ministry isn't authorized to put апостил on the document.
On the specified bases the deviation of the document is made from the date of giving within one day.
The statement for apostille statement on the document rejects in writing. In a deviation of the statement the reasons and legal grounds of a deviation are accurately noted.
In case of a deviation of the statement for apostille statement together with the answer to the applicant the original sample of the submitted document and the check about payment of the state tax come back.
The deviation of the statement can be appealed in court in the order established by the law.
What documents need to be submitted for apostille statement?
For statement of an apostille can address not only the sender of the document, but also any person.
For apostille statement the person presents to the Ministry:
• the statement in which are noted a name, a surname (middle name), a residence, phone number (in the presence of that) the applicant, the name of the document which is subject to assurance by an apostille,
• the original document, subject to assurance by an apostille, or of a notarial order the certified document,
• copy or photocopy of the document which is subject to assurance by an apostille,
• the check about payment of the state tax: for each document – separate or uniform for all documents.
In what terms assurance by an apostille of Armenia is carried out?
The apostille on the document is put from the date of filing of application in the Ministry within two working days. Citizens can receive the document with an apostille from 10: 00 o'clock second working day.
In case of payment of the additional off-budget amount, апостил it can be put on the document and from the date of claim giving in the Ministry within one working day. And, if the statement is submitted from 10 : 00 to 13 : 00 o'clock working day, the applicant can receive the document with an apostille from 10 : 00 o'clock next working day; and if the statement is submitted from 14: 00 to 17 : 00 o'clock working day, – from 14 : 00 o'clock next working day.
For specification of validity of separate documents by the head of agency term of statement of an apostille can be prolonged till 5 days, the deputy minister of justice of RA – till 10 days, and the Minister of Justice – till 15 days. In the specified case the applicant is given the written answer in which the reasons of extension of delivery time of an apostille with the signature of the prolonging person are noted.
Participating countries of the Hague convention:
Австралия (Australia)
Австрийская Республика (Austria)
Азербайджан (Azerbaijan)
Албания (Albania)
Княжество Андорра (Andorra)
Антигуа и Барбуда (Antigua and Barbuda)
Антильские острова (Netherlands Antilles)
Аргентинская Республика (Argentina)
Республика Армения (Armenia)
Багамские острова (Bahamas)
Барбадос (Barbados)
Республика Белоруссия (Belarus)
Белиз (Belize)
Бермудские острова (Bermuda)
Болгария (Bulgaria)
Королевство Бельгия (Belgium)
Республика Ботсвана (Botswana)
Республика Босния и Герцеговина (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Государство Бруней - Даруссалам (Brunei Darussalam)
Британские Виргинские острова (British Virgin Islands)
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии (United Kingdom)
Венгерская Республика (Hungary)
Республика Венесуэла (Venezuela)
Виргинские острова (Virgin Islands)
Федеративная Республика Германия (Germany)
Гренада (Grenada)
Греческая Республика (Greece)
Грузия (Georgia) (14/05/07))
Гибралтар (Gibraltar)
Гондурас (Honduras)
Гонконг (Китай) (Hong Kong)
Гуам (Guam)
Королевство Дания (Denmark)29/12/06)
Доминика (Dominica)
Государство Израиль (Israel)
Индия (India)
Ирландия (Ireland)
Исландия (Iceland)
Королевство Испания (Spain)
Итальянская Республика (Italy)
Каймановы острова (Cayman Islands)
Республика Кипр (Cyprus)
Коморские острова (Comoros Islands)
Корея (Korea) (14/07/07))
Острова Кука (Cook Islands)
Латвийская Республика (Latvia)
Королевство Лесото (Lesotho)
Республика Либерия (Liberia)
Литовская Республика (Lithuania)
Княжество Лихтенштейн (Liechtenstein)
Великое Герцогство Люксембург (Luxembourg)
Республика Маврикий (Mauritius)
Республика Македония (Macedonia)
Республика Малави (Malawi)
Макао (Китай) (Macao)
Республика Мальта (Malta)
Республика Маршалловы острова (Marshall Islands)
Республика Молдова (Moldova) c 16/03/07
Республика Казахстан (Kazakhstan)
Колумбия (Colombia)
Мексиканские Соединенные штаты (Mexico)
Монако (Monaco)
Мозамбик (Mozambique)
Намибия (Namibia)
Королевство Нидерландов (Netherlands)
Королевство Норвегия (Norway)
Новая Зеландия (New Zealand)
Новая Каледония (New Caledonia)
Республика Панама (Panama)
Польша (Poland)
Португальская Республика (Portugal)
Пуэрто- Рико (Puerto Rico)
Румыния (Romania)
Остров Мэн ( Isle of Man)
Российская Федерация (Russian Federation)
Республика Эль-Сальвадор (El Salvador)
Республика Сан-Марино (San Marino)
Самоа (Samoa)
Сент - Люсия (St Lucia)
Сент-Китс и Навис (St Kitts and Nevis)
Свазиленд (Swaziland)
Республика Сейшельские острова (Seychelles)
Республика Сербия (Serbia)
Республика Словения (Slovenia)
Словакия (Slovakia)
Соединенные Штаты Америки (United States of America)
Республика Суринам (Suriname)
Королевство Тонго (Tongo)
Турецкая Республика (Turkey)
Тринидад и Тобаго (Trinidad and Tobago)
Республика Фиджи (Fiji)
Республика Черногория (Montenegro)
Чешская республика (Czech Republic)
Финляндская Республика (Finland)
Фолклендские острова (Falkland Islands)
Французская Республика (France)
Французская Полинезия (French Polynesia)
Хорватия (Croatia)
Швейцарская Конфедерация (Switzerland)
Королевство Швеция (Sweden)
Украина (Ukraine)
Эквадор (Ecuador)
Эстония (Estonia)
Южно-Африканская Республика (South Africa)
Япония (Japan)
For more detailed information please send an e-mail to info@jurist.am They are always ready to help you.
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Country Director Patrick Jung