Legal Services For Companies and Private Entrepreneurs
The Law firm “Your jurisconsult» offers broad range of legal services for companies and private entrepreneurs.
We provide our high qualified professionals consultations on diverse legal issues, guidance and suport of various bargains (real estate, land, securities, etc.), complex legal services for organizations and entrepreneurs on the basis of subscriber's contract, i.e. we offer you defined list of legal services for fixed monthly fee.
Our skilled experts in field of Tax Law will develop for you schemes for taxation optimization, will solve the issues regarding VAT reimbursement, will consult you on arisen questions.
Our specialists on Intellectual Property Law will assist you to register trade marks, lisence agreements and will provide you with consultations on author's and allied rights defense issues.
Our specialists on state registration and licensing will preform examination and prepare all the necessasry documents in shortest terms, as well as carry out all the registration procedures in State institutions (Real Estate Cadastre of Armenia, State Register of Organisations, etc.)
In case of legal controversies we will provide you with necessary legal support in examination of the case, evidence collection, presentation in Administrative Court, Ordinary Court, Service of Officers of Justice.
Bellow are the detailed list of services for corporate clients and entrepreneurs presented
1. Attorneys Consultancy
• Verbal consultations on legal and organizational matters, rise during commercial activities of companies and private individuals
• Written conclusions on issues trough legal examination
• Legal guidance and support of bargains
• Development and elaboration of any types of legal documentation
2. Subscriber Service
Here we offer complex lawful guidance of enterprise activity in all legal matters arisen during entrepreneurial process
The complex of legal services include:
• Consultations on current economical activity
• Development odd contracts, letter, agreements, and local documentation
• Study legal analysis of received documentation, verification of complience with legislation and interests of the client
• Pre-trial disputes solving, pretensions and claims, petitions, as well as guiding cunsultancies
• Practical recommendations on arisen complicated situations solution. Collecting, elaborating and submission of the documents required for application to the legal examples
• Bargains legal guidance
• Carrying out consulting legal seminars for the employees of the client
3. Corporate Law. Securities. Central Depository of Armenia
• Securities holder register keeping
• Custody
• Securities financial transactions
• Securities transactions, preparation of required proceedings, intention agreements, contracts
• Lawful guidance of the legal entitled authority activities: stockholders’ meetings, executives committees meetings, stockholders meetings
• Concernment transactions, large scale transactions
• Arrangement and implementation of negotiations with participation of transaction parties and privies
• Shareholder dismissal from the Company
4. Legal Audit
• Corporate audit of legal entitles (examination of constitutive documentation, examination of legal compliance of transactions with stocks and securities, verification of authority bodies establishment order)
• Contractual tasks implementation legal audit (agreemtens in force and negotiated)
• Leagal audit of inner documentation
5. Legal Entities and Private Entrepreneurs Registration
• LLCs, CJSCs, OJSCs orgaznization
• Organizarion of legal enttities with foreign capital
• Organization of non-commercial organizations
• Registration of private entrepreneurs
Adjustments, not related to the alterations in constituent documentation of LLCs, CJSCs, OJSCs
• CEO’s replacement
• Changes in areas of economical activity
• Other changes not related to the alterations in constituent documentation
• Adjustments in constituent documentation of LLCs, CJSCs, OJSCs
• LLCs’, CJSCs’, OJSCs’ capital increase/decrease registration
• Legal entity name change
• Legal address change
• Participants change
• Other changes
• Any types of re-organisation: merger, joining, disjoin, division, re-organization)
• Choice of optimal form of re-organisation in accordance with aims and tasks of the Client
• Development of re-organisation schemes and evaluation of tax consequences
• Legal guidance of the re-organisational process (documents elaboration, consultancy on the issues arisen in the process of reorganisation)
• Other services related to the re-organisation procedures
• Legal entities liquidation (LLCs, CJSCs, OJSCc, etc.)
• Private entrepreneurs activity cessation
6. Licensing
• Medical licenses
• Pharmaceutical licenses
• Evaluative activities licensing
• Construction licensing
• Educational licensing
• Private/non-governmental security and protection licensing
• Alcohol licenses
• Transport licenses
• Gambling licenses
• Fire licenses
• TV translation and communication services licensing
• Other activities licensing
7. Real Estate
• State registration of origin and cessation of real estate ownership rights
• Registration of real estate rent agreements
• Registration of mortgage agreements
• Consultancies on transactions and other issues related to real estate
• Legal audit of real estate (examination of land and other real estate premices ownership documents legality, revelation of encumbrances, limitations)
• Pre-trial regulation of disputes related to the real estate
• Conducting of trial cases related to real estate ownership rights
8. Land Law
• Consulatative, representative and legal services in Land Law areas (negotiations guidance, agreements development and elaboration)
• Land rights registration
• Examination of land and other real estate premices ownership documents legality, revelation of encumbrances, limitations
• Privatization of land and other real estate premices
• Pre-trial regulation of disputes related to land ownership rights
• Conducting of trial cases related to land ownership rights
• Consultancies on transactions related to land (buy-sell, rent, mortgage, investment)
• Land law other matters and issues
9. Tax Law
• Taxation optimization, individual taxation schemes development for legal entities and private entrepreneurs
• Tax institutions illegitimate actions and resolution impugnment in trials, inclluding resolutions made upon cameral and field tax examinations
• Reimbursemet/offset of overpaid taxes
• Reimbursement of VAT arisen from export and import transactions
• Specialists consultancies on legal entities and private entrepreneurs taxation issues
• Representation and defence of the Client’s interests in tax institutions
10. Labor Law
• Specialists consultations on collective and individual labor diputes
• Development and elaboration of labour contracts
• Pre-trial settelement of labor disputes
• Legal defence of employers rights in labor arguments (dismissal reasons contest, reinstatement in employment with wage recovery for the period of forced absenteeism, moral damage compensation, etc.)
• Development and elaboration of inner personal documentation for the legal entitles regarding all the maters concerning staff management (fixed date, termless labor contracts, contracts with CEOs and CFOs), job descriptions, state of structural divisions, inner conditions (labor management order, incentives and bonuses, inner labor order, etc.)
• Legal audit of cash documentation
11. Intellectual Property
• Consultations and services on intellectual property legal defence issues
• Trade marks registration
• Inventions, utility models and industrial models patenting
• Preparation of documents and presentаtion in court, Intellectual Property Agency, (Armpatent, Industrial property), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RA, Patent Dispute Chamber and other institutions
• Аnalysis, drawing up, registration of agreements on session of trade marks, license agreements
• Intellectual property other issuеs and matters
12. Administrative Law
Consultations on administrative law and legal entities and private entrepreneurs administrative liability issues, legal defense of interests, official reprimands validity, disputable jural relation analysis, drawing up documents, including claims and petitions, written conclusions on consultancy issues, legal guidance and support of claims and petitions
• Administrative violations in entrepreneurial areas
• Administrative violations in traffic
• Administrative violations in fields of taxation, duty and finances
• Other administrative violations
13. Transactions legal guidance
• Transactions complete legal guidance or legal guidance on ceratain stage/stages
• Legal examination, preparation of required documents, participation in negotiations, presentation in various organizations and state bodies
14. Pre-trial Disputes Settelement
• Legal analysis of the situation and elaboration of recommendations for the optimal solving of arisen disputes
• Preparation of claim letters
• Representation of Client's interests, participation in negotiations
15. Court. General Jurisdiction Court. Administrative Court
• Legal examination and analysis of case papers
• Preparation of writes, write testimonials
• Evidence selection
• Defense of clients interests in all courts
• Appeals
16. Executive Proceeding
• Consultative aid on debts collection and court decisions implementation
• Interactions with the Service of Officers of Duties
• Client's interests representation during court orders implementation at any stage of processing
• Executive Document presentation
• Executive actions postponement
• Executive processing suspension
• Court desision implementation postponement and adjournment
• Court desision implementation methods and orders alteration
• Appeal against actions implemented by the officer of justice
• Аdjudicated property and ammount receipt
Advocates as well as other lawyers can present and defend the clients interest in the Court. Meantime services provided by attorneys in some cases can bring advantages. Thus, attorneys according to the Law have the right to make inquiries to legal entities as well as to state institutions for required information, and the provision of the information is obligatory. Attorneys only can peresent and defend the interests of the clients in criminal cases. Attorneys only can participate in some legal procedures. Therefore, the clients from the Law firm “Your Legal Adviser” can rely on professional services provided by the advocates of our company. They will ensure the proper defense of the interests of our Clients in Administrative and General Jurisdiction Courts.
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The company "Germany Business Association" expresses its sincere gratitude to the specialists of law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for qualified help and support in solving existing problems.
Country Director Patrick Jung