A lawyer by inheritance will provide you legal assistance officially for registering the inheritance and implement professional representation of Your interests at the state notary, the bodies of state power and local self-government, in other institutions and organizations, courts all levels, will hold a collection of all documents necessary for the acceptance of inheritance.
Our specialist provides the following legal services in the field of inheritance right:
• Oral and written legal advice on the following issues: the opening of the inheritance, the mandatory share in the inheritance, inheritance, queue of heirs and inheritance by right of representation, inheritance of disabled dependants, the procedure for acceptance of the inheritance, the refusal from the inheritance, division of inherited property, inheritance business and corporate rights, alimony, grants, taxation of inherited property, inheritance bequest, inheritance according to the law, the determination of the share, a share of the inherited property, the date of accession of the inheritance, recognition of a person as dead, preparation of wills, testamentary refusals, contracts of donation, life maintenance with dependency, agreements on division of inherited property, the calculation of the share of the heir afforded by him at registration of the inheritance;
• Legal assistance for registering the inheritance officially: the collection of necessary documents for registration of inheritance and state registration of ownership rights of inheritance, the recovery of lost documents and receipt of the title documents’ duplicate of the property, representation of interests at a notary, negotiating with the other heirs on the division of property and to determine the share in the inheritance, making inheritance and receiving the certificate of right to inheritance, representation of interests in the registration bodies, full legal support of the procedures of the introduction into the inheritance and maintenance of the inheritance of business and corporate rights, the restoration of lost documents, the discovery of the duplicates of documents, seizure of the inherited property;
• Protection and representation in court: recognition of the right of ownership in the order of succession of the land, an apartment, a house, a car, objects of incomplete construction, the land share (Pai), establishment of the facts having the legal significance, the recognition in the judicial order of the person as dead, the elimination of the inheritance, disputes over inheritance of the participant's share in the economic society, section of the property, which is in General compatible property, recognition of the will as invalid, the recognition of property rights to inheritance, changes in the certificate of right to inheritance, dividing the inheritance, the recognition of the heir, the restoration of the period for acceptance of inheritance (establishment of the additional period for the submission of the application for acceptance of the inheritance), recognition of the will as invalid; division of inherited property in a judicial procedure;
• Establishment of legal facts in court: establishment of a legal fact about the inheritance acceptance, the establishment of a legal fact of the dependants of the testator; establishing a legal fact of the introduction into the inheritance, to establish legal residency of one family, the establishment of a legal fact of kinship or family relations, of the mandatory share in the inheritance.
Assist in processing of the following types of property:
• land plots;
• apartments, houses;
• bank deposits and securities;
• corporate rights, shares in business companies and cooperatives;
• intellectual property and copyright;
• cars.
Inheritance is a long and laborious process and if You intend to do everything correctly and save your time - entrust the officially registering of inheritance right to our specialists. Our specialist in the shortest time will help you to register your legal rights to inheritance and exclude any negative legal consequences in the future.
Inheritance is accepted as a whole and it is important for heirs to remember that it is necessary to apply to a notary not later than 6 months from the date of death of the testator, in order for not to have problems in the future.
Inheritance registering is a consuming process, even if there is no dispute between the heirs, in case of a dispute the services of a lawyer are necessary. Advice of friends and acquaintances one needs to listen to, but before making a decision it is better to consult a specialist possessing the necessary knowledge in this matter, such as a lawyer. The lawyer will review your situation, analyze the available documents, inform about your rights and obligations, help to protect your rights in case of a dispute.
Besides, the services of a lawyer may be necessary to those, who want to dispose its property during the life in case of death, because the lawyer will help to make the contents of the will, the contract of life maintenance or hereditary contract, or those who want to know, what is the joint will of spouses.
• the procedure of inheritance opening.
• terms of acceptance of the inheritance, the queue of heir,
• the mandatory share in the inheritance,
• the refusal from the inheritance,
• divison of inherited property,
• inheritance by right of representation,
• inheritance by law and will,
• the inheritance of corporate rights,
• decrease of share in the inheritance property.
• the issues of taxation in the case of inheritance,
Lawyers of the lawyer company "Your Jurisconsult" will render legal services, including representation in court for solution of the following categories of the disputes arising from inheritance:
• restoration of the period of acceptance of an inheritance;
• the definition of the share of the inherited property;
• recognition of the will or the contract of life maintenance invalid;
• the elimination of the inheritance;
• the termination of contracts of life maintenance or recognition as invalid;
• recognition of property rights in order of inheritance on the real estate;
• establishment of facts having legal significance.
Here shown is not a complete list of rendered services.
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The company "Germany Business Association" expresses its sincere gratitude to the specialists of law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for qualified help and support in solving existing problems.
Country Director Patrick Jung