The corporate lawyer of the company is responsible for the complete comprehensive and professional legal support, conducts legal advice on legal issues, is directly involved in the drafting of contracts, provides a service of transaction, provides legal review of documents, prepares legal opinions, provides services to represent the interests of the client ( general and administrative) in court, in the official bodies of Armenia.
Services in the direction of corporate legal support:
• legal consultations on legal issues;
• drafting of contracts, contracts, agreements, letters of constituent documents, certificates and other documents;
• legal support of transactions with the assets of the company, deals on transfer of corporate rights;
• legal expertise, legal analysis of documents and preparation of legal conclusions and recommendations;
• representation in courts, bodies of state power and local self-government, in front of the enterprises and citizens;
• legal support of negotiations of the customer with partners and contractors;
• analysis of the scheme of enterprise work, preparation of recommendations and comments on their elimination;
• legal analysis (legal audit) of the internal document circulation of the enterprise;
• legal support of commercial projects and assessment of risks;
• preparation of analytical reports on the current legislation of Armenia;
• assessment of judicial prospects of affairs and pre-trial settlement of disputes;
• legal advice on the issues of taxation, tax planning and optimization;
Our Company has specialists in various fields of jurisprudence.
Lawyers of the law company "Your Jurisconsult" provide a full range of legal services and consultation, such as:
Legal support of the enterprise (subscription service)
Claims work (services of a lawyer) on the economic, civil, administrative and other branches of law:
• drafting of claims, statements of claim, complaints.
• the provision of the law services .
• management of the economic and civil cases of any complexity.
• management of appellate cases of general and economic jurisdiction.
• compensation of moral damage to individuals, protection of business reputation of legal entities.
• execution of judicial decisions.
M&A (mergers and acquisitions) and restructuring of enterprises:
• reorganization (merger, affiliation, separation, transformation, division).
• legal support of activity of corporate clients.
• legal advice on business transactions with the assets of the enterprise.
• legal support of the process of alienation of the property of the enterprise.
• the conclusion of transactions with corporate rights.
• protection of commercial secrets.
Corporate law "the registration and liquidation procedures (PE, LLC, JSC, OJSC etc.), including accelerated:
• registration of legal entities.
• changes in the constituent documents of the legal entity.
• the creation of branches and opening of representative offices of legal entities.
• liquidation, including the bankruptcy of the debtor, which is liquidated.
• legal audit of the enterprises.
• resolution of corporate conflicts.
• representation of interests in courts and other public bodies.
• registration of subjects of entrepreneurial activity of physical persons.
Licensing of economic activities on the most challenging and promising directions:
• the licensing of the economic activity of freight, passengers, including a taxi.
• licensing of economic activity in the sphere of construction activities.
• licensing of economic activity in the sphere of alcohol and tobacco trade.
• licensing of economic activity in the sphere of medical practice.
• licensing of economic activity in the sphere of medications (pharmacy) trade.
• licensing of economic activity in sphere of precious metals operations.
• licensing of economic activity in the sphere of security activities.
• licensing of economic activity in the sphere of hazardous waste management.
• legal consultation on a wide range of issues in various branches of law and economic activity.
• the development of agreements (contracts) of all kinds.
• legal examination of documents.
• legal advice and legal assistance in matters of taxation.
• tax planning.
• optimization and minimization of taxation.
• consultations in the field of enforcement of tax debts.
• the taxation of investment activity.
• checks of regulatory authorities.
Accompaniment of operations with the real estate:
• obtaining the right of ownership to real estate objects, including objects which are in construction progress.
• legitimization of the redevelopment of apartments and houses.
• the conclusion of transactions with the real estate.
• legal support for construction and reconstruction of objects of immovable property, with the obtaining of all necessary permits.
• the transfer of residential premises into non-residential and vice versa.
• participation in competition on privatization of real estate objects.
• consultation of a lawyer.
The Land and labour laws in Armenia:
• registration of the contract of a land lease.
• registration of rights to a land when purchasing a real estate object.
• change of the designated purpose of the land plot.
• the allotment of the land plot.
• the conclusion of transactions with land.
• participation in tenders for the acquisition of land.
• representation of interests in courts and other state bodies on land disputes.
• elaboration and conclusion of labour agreements/contracts.
• drafting, conclusion and registration of collective agreements.
• obtaining permissions for the employment of non-residents (foreigners).
• labour disputes (recruitment, dismissal, transfer, compensation of losses caused to the employee, compensation of losses caused by an accident at work, etc.).
• legal advice.
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We express our gratitude to the law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for professional legal protection of the interests of our organization in relations with the tax authorities. High qualification and expertise help us to defend the rights of our company and prevent unwarranted use of economic sanctions.
"Syscon" LLC Batyr Durdyyev Business Manager