The guarantees given to retired citizens of the RA for pension provision when they emigrate to other states
Prior to the enactment of a new law on 05.02.2009, citizens of the RA lost their pension entitlements when taking up permanent residence in foreign countries. They were simply paid a one-off sum worth six months of payments or the remainder of the fund, whichever was the smaller amount.
The above-mentioned sum was paid to the emigrating pensioner on the basis of a written application, within a period of one (1) month, and thereafter the remunerations were ceased.
With the amendments and changes in the Law "On State Pension Remunerations" that entered into force on 05.02.2009, the above-mentioned provisions became void. Since that date, the pension of retired citizens living abroad is being paid on the basis of a letter of attorney.
The pension may be paid on the basis of one letter of attorney for not more than twelve (12) months, starting from the month after the last payment. After twelve months a new letter of attorney must be presented, which will in its turn be valid for twelve (12) months.
• It should be noted that the pension payments are not automatically reinstated with the letter of attorney. In order to reinstate the payments of the pension provision it is necessary to submit, in person, a written application to the subdivision (where the pension was originally granted) of the state social security service of the Ministry of Labour and Social Matters of the RA.
• In the case of taking up permanent residence in one of the Commonwealth Independent States countries, the pensions of citizens of the RA ceases if a similar type of pension is provided for by the legislation of the state of the person’s permanent residence .
1. Pension rights of foreign citizens.
The pension provision of a foreign citizen is done in accordance with:
• International agreements of the Armenia; and
• Legislation of the Armenia.
The Commonwealth of Independent States have signed an agreement entitled "On guarantees to citizens of Commonwealth Independent member-States", adopted on March 13, 1992, in accordance with which, CIS nationals with a residence permit in the RA are entitled to receive their pension in the place of their residence, when the country of their previous permanent residence has ceased remunerating their pensions.
This payment to CIS nationals is assigned on the basis of a reference note indicating the cessation of pension remunerations in the former country of permanent residence, or on the basis of the submission of a ''pension provision file'' from the body that had previously been responsible for pension provision in the person’s prior country of residence.
The above-mentioned agreement also stipulates that social security documents issued by CIS member-states of the CIS as well as by former state organs of the Soviet Union before December 1, 1991, are accepted without the need for verification.
People employing foreign citizens and the individuals without citizenship not are exempted from the liability of making social contributions on their behalf.
Foreign citizens working in the RA not are exempted from making social contributions.
In accordance with the law of the RA ''On State Pensions'', foreign citizens who make all necessary social security payments related to pension provisions and who meet the necessary legal conditions have the right to a pension equal to that of citizens of the Armenia.
2. Individuals entitled to state subsidies in the Armenia
Individuals entitled to receive state subsidies in the RA are as follows:
- citizens of the RA;
- foreign citizens who have a valid residence permit for the RA;
- individuals without citizenship;
- individuals who have refugee status in the RA.
The types of the state subsidies are as follows in the Armenia:
- family subsidy
- a subsidy for child care for children;
- a one-ff payment for the birth of a child;
- a subsidy paid to the family of a deceased Armenian solder, or to the family of a solder who has been decorated with an Order of Martial Cross.
For more detailed information please send an e-mail to . They are always ready to help you.
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