Employment in Armenia
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Employment in Armenia

1.The general rules of employment :

On receipt of the relevant visa and permit foreign citizens are entitled to work in the RA under similar regulations, and on similar conditions as the citizens of the RA.

Employment relations are governed in the RA by the Labour Code, adopted in 2004. This new legislation reduces the role of the state in employment relations and puts greater emphasis on contractual relations.

Each individual in Armenia has a work record or service record card, which contains entries about both the terms of employment and names of employers for each job undertaken.

2.Work  duration, vacations:

The normal working week is 40 hours (maximum 8 hours daily). Work cannot exceed 48 hours per week, or 12 hours per day.
Working night hours (from 22:00 till 6:00) is restricted for individuals under 18, and there are certain restrictions for pregnant women and mothers with children under the age of 3.

According to the preferences of the employee, the annual vacation can be taken in different sized segments. The annual vacation must be taken in the given year, and the transfer of the annual vacation to a subsequent year is permitted only at the request of the employee or with his or her consent. The monetary compensation for unused annual vacations is agreed at the time of termination of the employment contract.

Women working in the RA receive both pregnancy and maternity leave as follows:

1)    140 days (70 days for pregnancy, 70 days for maternity);
2)    155 days (70 days for pregnancy, 85 days for maternity) in cases of difficult delivery;
3)    180 days (70 days for pregnancy, 110 days for maternity) in cases of the birth of more than one child at a time.  
The child’s primary care giver, namely the mother of the family (or step mother), father (or step father), grandmother, grandfather or other relative (including person who is assigned as guardian) can take a leave of absence until the child reaches three years of age and the employee reserves right for returning to his/her job (position).

Labour contract in Armenia

The conditions governing these employment contracts are listed in the Labour Code of the Republiq of Armenia. In accordance with the Labour Code there are several types of employment contracts. Employment contracts are signed for a definite or indefinite period of time. Employment contracts of a pre-defined period of time are to be signed only in exceptional cases.

Employment contracts are signed for a pre-defined period of time in the following cases:

1)    the employee delivers services of personal character;
2)    the work is done by an external consultant;
3)    the work is a second job;
4)    the work is a seasonal job;
5)    the work is a temporary job (up to two months in duration).

The employment contract may be terminated:
1)    with the consent of both sides;
2)    when the contract is expired;
3)    by the initiative of the employee;
4)    by the initiative of the employer;
5)    in other cases stipulated by the Labour Code.

The Labour Code in Armenia provides guarantees for the protection of employees against sickness, and injury; for pregnant women, and working mothers with children under age of 3. These guarantees are valid even when not specifically stipulated by the labour contract.


Armenia has signed intergovernmental agreements on regulating labour migration with a number of CIS states, namely the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, as well as with Georgia and the Republic of Qatar.

By virtue of the above-mentioned treaties each of the countries is mandated to recognize (without specific legalization) certificates of education, qualifications and the corresponding papers granting titles. They have also agreed to recognize other documents necessary for employment, and the translations of these documents carried out in the employee’s country of origin.

For more detailed information please send an e-mail to info@jurist.am They are always ready to help you.


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DFID Armenia Regional Development Program Mr. Manfred Schober
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