Liquidation of firms in Armenia (how to liquidate firm, procedure of liquidation of the enterprise in Armenia)
In the Armenian market of legal services one of the most demanded service is the service on companies' liquidation, because Armenia, undoubtedly, is the country of extremely active economy, and liquidation of the enterprises - natural activity in the conditions of market economies, especially in terms crisis.
How to liquidate a firm in Armenia, quickly and simply?
Does the enterprise liquidation process have any special features? We will try to answer these questions on this page (and if you have found answer to the questions here – feel free to call us!)
There are some ways of liquidation of the companies.
- Official liquidation
- Non-official liquidation.
Non-official liquidation is carried out by means of change of the director or by the reorganisation (joining of the company to an invalid company).
Enterprise liquidation is a form of the termination of the activity without rights and duties transition to other persons.
Official liquidation of the companies can be voluntary and compulsory.
Compulsory liquidation of the companies
The compulsory liquidation of the companies is carried out under the court decision in the following cases:
• implementation of activity without the appropriate permission (licence);
• implementation of the activity forbidden by the law;
• implementation of activity with numerous or rough violations of law or other legal statements;
• availability of other bases provided by the law.
Voluntary liquidation of the enterprises
In what cases voluntary liquidation of the enterprises is carried out?
The decision on voluntary liquidation of the enterprise is accepted as a rule if there are problems in organisation economic activities.
In this case the company's performance logically finishes with its liquidation. This way is usually accompanied with complexities with tax bodies.
Voluntary liquidation of firms starts with taking the appropriate decision by founders or shareholders. This decision is signed by all the shareholders of the business or by those having a majority ownership of CJSC or OJSC.
Thus, the voluntary liquidation of the enterprises is carried out in a following order:
1. The meeting of participants (shareholders) takes the decision on the liquidation of the company;
2. during the liquidation process the liquidating commission (liquidator) appointed by the Meeting of the shareholders is necessary. The meeting also confirms an order and terms of liquidation of the company, as well as relevant publication it in mass-media;
3. The meeting notifies the authorised registration body about the decisions;
4. Powers on operation of business are delegated to the liquidation commission;
5. The authorised registration body provides the notification that the company is involved in the process of liquidation;
6. The authorised registration body records this fact in the Registration Certificate;
7. The liquidation commission publishes in the press the announcement of liquidation of the company also mentioning its location and the terms and conditions for the creditors for claims presentation;
8.The liquidation commission is obliged to notify in writing form all the known creditors of the company on company’s liquidation;
9. The liquidation commission applies to Tax Inspection the statement for the removal from the registry, as well as the claim for inspection of the liquidating company;
10. The liquidation commission makes the decision on the statement of interim liquidation balance;
11. On the basis of this decision the company closes accounts in banks, as well as abolishes the seal of the company in accordance with the certificate approved by the commission;
12. The liquidation commission notifies the authorised registration body about the end of all liquidating procedures and submits the statement of state registration regarding the enterprise liquidation, liquidation balance-sheet and the document on State Tax payment;
13. On the basis of the submitted documents the authorised registration body makes a record on liquidation of the company in the legal bodies state register and provides a corresponding excerpt which confirms the final liquidation of the company;
Alternative ways of company liquidation
How to liquidate a company "informally"?
Perhaps the simplest way of alternative liquidation of the enterprise is a change of the director and the founder of the enterprise.
The benefits of this method are that from the moment of signing the decision on the company's new head assignment, the duty on handling the reports and the registering bodies notifications are delivered to the new head.
Such procedure of the enterprise liquidation (the enterprise's head and founder change registration procedure) takes 10-14 working days.
After the registering body makes changes you will receive the decision on re-election of the director, the agreement on shares concession, an extract from the legal bodies register and the certificate on the enterprise documents transfer.
The company «Your jurisconsult» offers to liquidate the company without extra waste of time and money. Our skilled and enperienced experts are always ready to help you.
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