The lawyer company ''Your Jurisconsult'' will render your legal services on real estate and other related issues in Armenia.
Our specialists provide the following legal services:
• oral and written legal consultations of lawyers on the real estate issues in different directions.
• drafting of legal documents (contracts, agreements);
• drafting of judicial documents and filing documents to the court;
• judicial disputies on real estate, recognition of the right of ownership to real estate objects;
• disputes on increasing the share in the right of common property;
• contestation of real estate, land transactions, the invalidity of transactions, return of property from another's illegal possession;
• legal analysis and examination of contracts, agreements;
• legal support on the issues of inheritance of immovable and movable property;
• foreclosure of real estate, lands;
• legitimization of reconstruction and replanning, recognition of property rights to real estate objects in
the judicial procedure;
• legal support of transactions with real estate;
• seizures and bans on disputable immovable real estate;
• analysis, collection and preparation of necessary legal documents;
• determination of the order of use of real estate and lands;
• issues of property division and land in a judicial order and by agreement of the parties.
By contacting us You will receive qualified help of our lawyers on any matters related to real estate in Armenia.
Authorization of the unauthorized construction in Yerevan. The lawyer renders services in the direction of the legalization of real estate, unauthorized construction objects, replanning and reconstruction of apartments, premises and buildings, recognition of property rights to the objects of unauthorized construction and reconstruction.
• legalization of unauthorized buildings – constructions through the court or mayor's office;
• recognition of property rights to real estate objects;
• legalization of unauthorized replanning, reconstruction;
• introduction of completed construction objects in operation;
• change of designation of real estate and transfer of real estate from residential to non-residential Fund;
• examination and preparation of a technical conclusion.
Solution of legal problems with the real estate
The role of the lawyer is akin to the role of the doctor. The sooner you turn to – the more chances for success. If You have found yourself in a difficult situation, or just want to protect your real estate transaction, timely legal assistance will help You to make the right choice, to avoid the mistakes and win.
Advocate on housing issues in Yerevan will look into the problem, answer Your questions, give advice, if necessary will protect your interests in court or other instances and help to achieve success.
We have many years of experience in solving all kinds of problems with housing and other real estate, including:
• Settling and eviction of family members and unauthorized persons through the court.
• Division of common real estate in case of marriage dissolution. For more details about the divorce proceedings.
• Restoration of the right of ownership or residence.
• Removing obstacles for using habitation in judicial order.
• Legal assistance in case of transactions with the real estate. For more details on this.
• Recognition of the right of ownership on real estate through the court.
• Decision of legal problems with the inheritance of the house or apartment. More information about inheritance.
• Division of the house or apartment in shares and in kind. Section of personal accounts.
• Allocation of shares in the joint ownership of the property.
• Disputes on life maintenance contracts and wills.
• Problems with hostels and service apartments.
• Judicial disputes with the banks on the credits of real estate. For more details on this topic.
• Compensation of damage from a fire, water-filled apartments or non-residential premises.
• Problems with renting an apartment in Yerevan.
• Privatization of housing: the abolition of the illegal privatization through the court, assistance in privatization, the protection of the right to participate in privatization.
• Recognition of invalid (cancel) of purchase-and-sale, gift, exchange of dwelling, life maintenance, credit and collateral.
• Solution of problems with the return of the earnest money in case of cancellation of purchase-sale of real estate.
• Issues of housing and communal services, non-judicial and judicial decision of problems. For more details on this topic.
• Problems with the registration of the family members in Yerevan.
• Housing disputes between neighbours and family members.
• As well as the solution of other problems and issues of housing and other real estate.
For the solution of Your problems lawyer offers the following services:
• Protection of the interests of client in the court, the participation of a lawyer in the judicial process.
• Professional legal advice in Armenia.
• Appeal against court decisions in Armenia.
• Drafting pleadings in court, complaints, claims and other documents.
• Other legal services in Armenia.
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Thank you for your attention and responsibility, scrupulosity and reliability! For excellence and high level of competence in your chosen rather complex and sometimes controversial field of legal relationships!