The accounting of the citizens being on a constant residence in Armenian, wishing to adopt Armenia which was the citizen of the child.
Citizens of Armenia RA constantly living in the territory wishing to be registered in quality of the adopting person personally or through the authorized representative (type No. 3) in the device in a place of the residence showing the following documents and their copies:
1. document proving the identity
2. reference about housing conditions given out from a residence place
3. reference about family structure given out from a residence
4. reference about a post a salary and other income
5. personal guarantee about due behavior of the person vdanny the organization or at least three persons
6. the medical certificate about that that the person wishing to adopt the child has no of included in approved as the decision N 517-H of May 5th, 2005. RA governments list of diseases.
7.the marriage certficate copy if it is married
8. in case of adoption of the child one of spouses - the written consent of the second except for cases if spouses stopped the matrimonial relations there don't live in common more than one year and a residence of one of spouses it isn't known
9. the certificate of absence by the person at the time of criminal record adoption for heavy or especially serious crime directed against a public order and the public
After obtaining documents provided by point 7 of this situation the device makes in a month studying of vital conditions of the person draws up the relevant statement and draws the positive or negative conclusion about possibility of adoption.
In case of lack of the bases provided in the law forbidding adoption in case of the contents in documents provided in point 7 of this provision of full and faultless necessary information and also on the basis of the act of studying of vital conditions of the person the device draws the positive conclusion, which in force within 12 months from the date of delivery. The applicant on the basis of the positive conclusion within 3 working days is put on the account as the person wishing to adopt the child.
In case of the contents in documents provided by point 7 of this provision of incomplete necessary information in case of identification in them other shortcomings the device in writing suggests the applicant to submit demanded information within 30-day term or to correct inaccuracies present at submitted documents.
The device draws the negative conclusion about possibility of adoption of the child (which in force within a year one hundred delivery): case of not elimination by the person wishing to adopt the child of inaccuracies present at demanded documents in terms established in point 10 of this situation
2.on the basis of received information negatively characterizing the person wishing will adopt the child
3.на basis of the act of studying of living conditions of the person case of groundlessness of the statement of the person wishing to adopt the child cases provided by the law forbidding adoption of the child
The person wishing to adopt the child is struck off the register:
1 . according to the statement
2 . in case of the expiration of 12 months from the date of the positive conclusion
3 . in case of adoption of the child (if adopted children in quantity specified in the statement)
4 . in case of residence change for Armenia limit
5 . in case of one of the bases provided by part 1 of article 116 of the family legislation of Armenian.
Adoption of the child by foreign citizens and persons not having nationality and also citizens of Armenia is allowed only in case of impossibility of adoption of the child by own relatives or his in education a family of citizens of RA of RA constantly living in the territory.
Full age persons however can be adoptive parents of the child there are special conditions to which they have to correspond. In Armenia the rights of adoption of the person which are recognized by court incapacitated can be deprived or is limited capable, in a judicial order are deprived of the parental rights or these rights are limited discharged of duties of the trustee as a result of non-performance of the duties properly assigned to them the law by them, on a state of health can't carry out parental responsibilities. The list of those diseases at which the person can't adopt the child in Armenia to accept its guardianship, to accept in a family on education it is approved by Armenia government.
Have no right of adoption also socially poor those families which by the time of adoption have no income providing the minimum vital conditions don't take a constant residence and also a living space conforming to the established sanitary and technical requirements. To persons having a criminal record for heavy and especially serious crimes, the law also forbids to declare adoption.
The court can nullify the decision on adoption of the child proceeding from his interests and considering opinion of the child of reached 10-year age. After adoption the decision can be nullified also in cases if adoptive parents deviate performance of the parental responsibilities assigned to them.
There are some reasons which can become the basis for deprivation of the parental rights of the adoptive father of the child in Armenia. If parents abuse the parental rights cruelly treat the adopted child, are chronic alcoholics, addicts. The adopted parents can lose the child on request of his biological parents recognized by court by the dead or is unknown absent in case of rewatching the relevant decision of court, restoration of capacity recognized incapacitated parents.
In relation Armenia connected with local and foreign adoption are regulated by RA legislation in particular the Convention "About cooperation in the field of protection and foreign adoption of children", the Family code, the civil legislation of RA, and also the law Armenia "About the REGISTRY OFFICE" and also the order of adoption established by the decision No. 269 government of RA from March 18, 2010.
The accounting of the child being the citizen of RA, adopted living outside Armenia, not having nationality, foreign citizens, in diplomatic missions and consular establishments.
The accounting of the adopted child being the citizen of Armenia, is carried out in diplomatic mission and the consular organization (further the consular organization) by RA in the place of residence of adoptive parents.
In case of absence of the consular organization in a place of continuous accommodation of adoptive parents, the accounting of the adopted child being the citizen of RA, is carried out by RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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