1.The choice of teaching language of children of foreign citizens or of individuals who do not have citizenship:
The choice of the language of instruction for children of foreign citizens or of individuals who do not have citizenship is made by the parents of the children (or their legal representatives).
Children of citizens of the RA, who have completed the 1 st and 2 nd years of their education in a foreign language can continue their education in Armenian language in the corresponding grade when moving to Armenia.
The children of citizens of the RA who have completed six (6) consecutive years of their education in a foreign language can, upon returning to the RA continue their studies in that foreign language until the end of the academic year, on condition that they study Armenian in the intervening period of time, and transfer to an Armenian class starting from the beginning of the subsequent academic year.
Foreign citizens, (with the exception of those of Armenian origin, for whom, the state allocates a limited number of free places) must pay to attend state funded educational establishments.
The full list of Armenian State and Non State Universities is available at: www.armenic.am
2. Conditions of enrolment in vocational educational institutions:
Foreign citizens whose level of education corresponds to the level of secondary public school education (after eight years of tuition) of the RA can enroll in vocational educational establishments.
Foreign citizens whose level of education corresponds to the level of secondary school education (and in certain cases the level attained after eight years) of the RA can enroll in secondary vocational educational institutions.
Foreign citizens whose level of education corresponds to the educational programme of secondary school of the RA can enroll in higher educational institutions. Individuals that have completed a Bachelor of Sciences (Arts) can study in higher educational institutions of the RA with individual training curricula.
Foreign citizens who do not speak Armenian or Russian, or have poor knowledge of Armenian and Russian must enroll in the preparatory departments of higher educational establishments (divisions) for one year to study Armenian or the language of further training in their chosen subject (e.g. mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, etc.). They must also study the relevant the legislation of the RA in their chosen field.
At the end of this academic year they must take exams, and students that pass them may then continue the education in their chosen higher educational establishment.
Foreign citizens who have studied in the preparatory department and fail the exams are excluded from the higher educational establishment.
Foreign citizens who have a Masters degree can enroll in post-graduate departments of higher educational establishments and research scientific institutions.
Foreign citizens who have a higher medical qualification as well as at least two (2) years of working experience in a medical institution, or have completed two (2) years of medical clinical studies (specialization) can enroll in post-graduate departments of higher medical educational establishments and in scientific research institutions.
Foreign citizens with higher education, can without any age qualifications, enroll in courses to improve their skills and qualifications in departments of higher educational establishments and scientific research institutions.
Foreign citizens who went to study in the RA must present the following documents:
1. a completed questionnaire;
2. an application to the Ministry of Education Science of the RA, with the chosen profession indicated;
3. a self-biography;
4. copies of their education certificates attested by notary, indicating the subjects taken and the relevant grades attained in state examinations;
5. a medical reference confirming his/her general good health and that the person is able to deal with climatic conditions in Armenia;
6. a copy of his/her passport or birth certificate attested by a notary;
7. six (6) photographs (of size 40x50 mm) with his/her surname and name written on the back of the pictures;
8. Those wishing to embark on post-graduate studies, should, in addition present:
8.1 an essay or an official list of publications, indicating the date and place of publications and copies of two to three publications;
8.2 an officially confirmed reference certifying language proficiency: (Armenian, Russian, English, French, German);
All documents must be certified in Embassies or relevant bodies of the RA.
All indicated above, documents are submitted to the department of Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RA through the embassies or consular bodies of the RA.
Citizens of countries where there are no embassies or diplomatic representation of the RA, can submit their documents in person. In that case the above-mentioned documents must be verified in the corresponding state body and by the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the country in question.
The documents and abstract must be presented in Armenian, Russian or English languages.
3. Acknowledgement of international educational qualifications:
Certificates of education issued by any foreign state, when submitted to authorities of the RA (for further studies or employment) will be acknowledged, and their equivalence confirmed in accordance with the Lisbon Convention of April 11, 1997. This certificate of acknowledgment’ is issued on the basis of the act: ‘the acknowledgment of international certificates and diplomas on the territory of Armenian’. Under this act the Ministry of Education and Science acknowledges and confirms the equivalence of certificates of education, academic titles, and academic ranks conferred by international educational establishments and issues a certificate detailing the equivalence.
In order to attain a certificate of acknowledgment the individual must submit an application together with the following documents:
1. a copy of his/her passport;
2. a copy of his/her visa;
3. the original of the certificate and transcripts of the educational qualification, both legalized in due from, indicating the subjects taken and the number of academic hours studied;
4. two certified copies of the certificate of and transcripts of the educational qualification;
5. two certified copies of the certificate and transcripts of the educational qualification translated info Armenian language;
6. Individuals who have graduated from an international educational institution must submit a document issued by the department of education (or relevant body) of the respective country confirming the official status of the said institution.
7. In order to receive confirmation of equivalence of their documents, individuals who have a second university degree, or wish to complete an abridged educational programme, master’s programme, or international educational programmes (in case of partial completion of the programme in the RA) must submit documents certifying their previous education.
4.The acceptance of applications from expatriate Armenians:
Expatriate Armenian applicants must present their documents to the RA Ministry of Education and Science in person or through Armenian diplomatic representatives in foreign states.
They must address their application to the Ministry of Education and Science of the RA, and enclose a completed application from provided by the Ministry, the copies of all pages of their passport, the copy of birth certificate attested by state notary or a certificate of baptism, a copy of the certificate of secondary (complete) education verified by the consular or state notary; and 4 photographs of size 30x40 mm. Applicants who wish to receive post-graduate professional education must also present a research abstract on the topic of the chosen profession.
For more detailed information please send an e-mail to info@jurist.am They are always ready to help you.
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