Comments on Family Affairs in Armenia
Divorce is one of the grounds for termination of the marriage. Marriage is terminated with the death of a spouse or with divorce. Dissolution of marriage is a legal action that holds the institution of civil registration or the court.
Since the marriage itself is a voluntary form of joint activities, its termination may be exercised only by agreement of the spouses. Upon reaching such an agreement one should refer to the institution of civil registration and submit general written application for divorce. It is important for the couple to bring a written statement to the institution of civil registration together. If one spouse can not come, he may separately submit a notarized statement. This is the general procedure for dissolution of marriage. Marital relationship ends when drawing up the divorce.
Dissolution of marriage through the courts is a more complex process suggesting the existence of any dispute. In accordance with the law marriage should be dissolved in the court and in case if one spouse wants that together with divorce a dispute with respect to the child or the division of property or alimony was solved. In this case the spouse may be willing to divorce but they have not reached agreement on other issues. Since the establishment of the Armenian civil registration divorce is issued only in case of mutual agreement, the Armenian Court should be addressed in that case, if one spouse requires a dissolution of marriage, and the other disagrees. Before deciding to divorce, the court must conclude that the continuation of marriage is not possible. It is normal practice that the court gives the parties a certain period of reconciliation.
For dissolution of marriage in court or in registry office it is necessary to pay a state fee.Claims exempt for alimony in the Armenian state duty . Section of marital property in the court assumes the payment of state duty.
Comments on probate cases in Armenia
Heritage is a transition in accordance with the law of property (the right of personal property, the right of savings being in credit institutions, etc.) and some of the moral rights and duties of a citizen of the deceased (testator) to one or more persons.
Inheritance in Armenia is conducted according to the will and the law. Besides, a will has a priority: no matter how dissatisfied are the relatives, the inheritance would go to someone else's uncle, if that was the will of the deceased, executed in writing and notarized. The only exception to this rule is the mandatory share in the inheritance, which is entitled to disabled relatives from among the descendants of the first stage; they will receive half of what they would get, if there was no will.
Sometimes inheritance is seen as a gift, manna from heaven. But along with the property and rights the heirs receive responsibilities on the contents of the property, on its debts. Even the very definition of the concept of inheritance provides the notion of responsibility.
Heritage is a property which consists of property rights, property obligations, things and other property funds. Property from the heirs of duties arise before joining the law of inheritance, immediately after the opening of the inheritance - the day of death or the date of entry into force of a court decision on the recognition of the testator died. Rights and duties inextricably linked with the personality of the testator, in particular the right to alimony, the right to compensation for harm caused to life or health of citizens, as well as rights and duties, transition of which in order of inheritance is not allowed by the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia or other laws, are not included in the inheritance.
Moral rights and other intangible benefits are not a part of the inheritance, either.
According to Armenian law one can opt out of the inheritance. But not on his side: an heir takes all the property he received under any law or under a will, or does not receive anything. But if the heir renounced his share, but then changed his mind, he already gets nothing - no going back. You can not withdraw from the legacy or testamentary laying; it is tantamount to renouncing their share of inheritance, also you can not abandon the compulsory share of inheritance.
For probate in Armenia it is necessary to declare a notary's office (the place of residence of the testator, for example, Yerevan), the adoption of inheritance (within 6months from the date of death), to issue a notary application to join the Succession (declaration issued by the former place of residence of the deceased ).
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