Registration of Changes of LLC and Registration of Changes of Other Legal Entities in Yerevan (Armenia)
During the business process many companies face a problem of registration of changes (LLC or the companies of other organizational-legal form).
Procedure of registration of changes of LLC is provided, in particular, for following situations:
- Assignment and dismissal of the director;
- Change of legal address;
- Change of types of activity;
- Change of the legal entity name;
- Shareholders inclusion and/or exclusion;
- Reduction and other changes in founding documentation in compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
«Your Jurisconsult» company's legal bodies registration department will professionally carry out the registration of changes of LLC, CJSC, OJSC as well as registration of changes in other organizational-legal form entities.
Registration of The Changes In Regard To the Increase and/or Reduction of Legal Entity Share Capital
The increase in the share capital of a Company can be carried out by several ways:
• at the expense of its property;
• at the expense of additional investments of its participants;
• at the expense of investments of the third parties admited to the Company;
• by increase in shares par-value;
• by additional shares issue.
Registration of the changes In Regard to the reduction of the share capital of the legal entity
Reduction of the shared capital of LLC can be carried out by means of:
• shares' par value reduction for all shareholders of the Company (with preservation of shares) and/or by means of Company's shares pay-offs;
• shares' par value reduction or shares’ total amount cutbacks, including shares partial purchase (possible if foreseen by Company’s chart);
Within 30 days from the date of decision taken on the share capital reduction the Company ought to notify in writing form all the known shareholders of the Company regarding the reduction of the share capital and its new size. Also it is necessary to publish in press, which publishes data on the legal entities listed in state registration body, the notification about the decision taken.
The submission of the documents for applying and registration of the changes regarding the share capital reduction is possible only after 30 days from the moment of notification's publication.
For more detailed information write to or press the button below and connect with Skype.
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We express our gratitude to the law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for professional legal protection of the interests of our organization in relations with the tax authorities. High qualification and expertise help us to defend the rights of our company and prevent unwarranted use of economic sanctions.
"Syscon" LLC Batyr Durdyyev Business Manager