Under “Confidential Information” in this agreement it’s understood any information, provided by the parties to each other in written, oral, electronic or any other form that regards the subject of agreements concluded between the parties as well as regarding factual and analytic data, conclusions and materials, including but not limited by notes, documentation and correspondence, except for the information that can’t be considered as confidential information, pursuant to the current legislation and other legal acts of the Republic of Armenia. The parties undertake to provide keeping of all confidential information in secret and undertake not to disclose it to any other persons, except for the cases, when the obligation of disclosing was stipulated by the requirements of law or competent court decision. The information inquired by the competent state bodies within the limits of their competence, may be provided only when the obligation of disclosing is directly stated by the law on the stipulation that the Executor previously informs the Customer about the received inquiry that must be registered, pursuant to the current legislation of the Republic of Armenia. In order to meet the demands of this paragraph the inquiry must be provided over the Customer in writing and should contain reference to the provision of law, by virtue of which the Executor undertakes to provide information as well as all the necessary characteristics of the required information.
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> Order of entering the Republic of Armenia
> Rights and responsibilities of foreigners in the Republic of Armenia
> Acces to petirement insurance and oension benefits in Armenia
>Customs registration of cargoes in Armenia
> Education of foreigners in Armenia
>The foreign investment in Armenia
>Citizens that have not completed mandatory military service in Armenia
> Marriage and Divorce in Armenia
> Birth registration in Armenia
> Assurance of documents - apostils of Armenia
> Paternity determination in Armenia
> Rules adoption of a child in Armenia
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› Help the attorney in Armenia on extradition
›Abandonment or renunciation of citizenship of Armenia

Thank you for your attention and responsibility, scrupulosity and reliability! For excellence and high level of competence in your chosen rather complex and sometimes controversial field of legal relationships!