Welcome to the website of the Armenian law office Your Jurisconsult !
Currently, we provide a wide range of services aimed at protecting the interests of foreign businesses in Armenia. Our lawyers have extensive practical experience in the field of the following areas: corporate and labor law, family law and inheritance law, debt collection, real estate, litigation, taxation, and intellectual property. Additional services that are offered by our company can be found here.
The firm is also responsible for the registration of firms in Armenia; licensing, and liquidation of companies. To register a company in Armenia with efforts and resources you can find here. To liquidate a firm easily it can be found here. You can also find the value of our services here.
Our company actively co-operates with law firms in Russia, USA, Israel, Germany, Austria, Latvia, Georgia and other countries that have close contact with the bar associations in the CIS Republics. All this allows us to provide full legal advice to clients not only in Russia, but also abroad such as the former Soviet republics. Effectively defending the interests of clients, the Armenian Law Office “Your Jurisconsult" helps to create an enabling environment for foreign companies in Armenia.
By using our site you can ask your questions to the lawyer and find answers, to choose a lawyer and arrange for a personal consultation. Our firm also enters into the agreement on confidentiality with the client and undertakes to keep the confidential information of the client to not disclose it to any individual.
The company provides legal services in Armenian, Russian, English, German, and French.
HERE you can see our location and also our contacts - Top law office in Armenia
Proffesionals of Armenian Law offices of «Your Jurisconsult» provides a full spectrum of legal services and advice to corporate and private clients in Armenia and abroad. Advising foreign and Armenian clients on a diverse range of corporates, tax and business legal issues is one of the firm’s core activities.
Our Mission
We strive to provide our clients with legal security, to protect their interests and to generally promote a legal environment based on fairness, knowledge and faith.
Our Aims
Our main aim is to provide our clients with prompt and professionally-execut legal services. In order to provide such services, a number of other objectives must be achieved. These include in the following:
- Effective management of the firm, to ensure that the correct legal advice is provided to all private individuals and legal entities;
- The provision of an on-going program of additional training and skills-updating for the benefit of all our professional staff and their legal assistants.
We strive to continuously expand the geographical range of our services.
Our Principles
● Independence
● Professionalism
● Accountability
● Confidentiality
● Efficiency
● Bespoke Solutions
Our Team
Our strong and cohesive team of professionals works efficiently to provide prompt and highly-skilled legal assistance, supported by a weight of knowledge, extensive experience in the various aspects of law, enthusiasm and adherence to the firm’s values.
›What other services renders the Law office “Your Jurisconsult” ?
› Payment for legal services in Armenia
› How to registration a firm in Armenia ?
› Registration of changes of legal entities
› How to liquidate a firm in Armenia ?
› How to become the double citizen ?
› Comments on family end probate cases in Armenia
>What is important to know about obligatory millitary service in Armenia?
> Order of entering the Republic of Armenia
> Rights and responsibilities of foreigners in the Republic of Armenia
> Acces to petirement insurance and oension benefits in Armenia
>Customs registration of cargoes in Armenia
> Education of foreigners in Armenia
>The foreign investment in Armenia
>Citizens that have not completed mandatory military service in Armenia
> Marriage and Divorce in Armenia
> Birth registration in Armenia
> Assurance of documents - apostils of Armenia
> Paternity determination in Armenia
> Rules adoption of a child in Armenia
› Your child has been kidnapped, what to do ?
› International adoption in Armenia
› Help the attorney in Armenia on extradition
›Abandonment or renunciation of citizenship of Armenia

Thank you for your attention and responsibility, scrupulosity and reliability! For excellence and high level of competence in your chosen rather complex and sometimes controversial field of legal relationships!