Account service
The accounting is the principal type of account service that our company renders. We totally undertake the accounting of your enterprise, the functions of preparation and handing of the statement. At the same time your company has to care about handing the initial documents to us in time. Approximately, a time in two weeks you hand to us all the accumulated initial documents. We work out those documents with accounting electronic system 1C. The necessary accounting and tax documents, statements, registers and so on are formed on the base of that information.
The base of any enterprise’s successful functioning is the grammatically constructed counting activity. The accountant is the second person after the manager. Because of that he/she has the great responsibility, which’s overcoming is difficult for one person.
What is the accounting service?
In the West this problem is successfully solved long ago. There are specialized services which realize account service, account accompaniment and accounting. All the enterprises apply to them irrespective of the situation and company’s status. The process of transfer of specialized company’s counting activities is called the account outsourcing. A type of the account outsourcing is the account service. This assumes the accounting, the formation of accounting balance, the conformity of statement with legislation. Besides, our specialized company offers its aid in handing the tax declarations and other financial documents to tax organs.
The account service includes the salaries also (including the taxes and duties). Within the scope of our service we are ready to give any advice connected with accounting and compulsion.
The account has its indispensable advantages in our company:
Firstly, we guarantee the total confidentiality of your company’s tax and financial information.
Secondly, you can be confident about the deadline of statement’s handing.
Thirdly, the tax and financial information that we represent is exact and obvious
And finally, we work with our clients individually, because have to manifest the individual approach. It follows from this the punctuality and fixed price of our services.
The account accompaniment is a diverse activity of accounting, which functions for the companies being in the ordinary system, also for the companies working in the simplified system. Besides, the account accompaniment minimizes the danger of control’s exclusion of company’s profits and expenses. It helps to choose the best version of account accompaniment.
The grammatically constructed account service helps to avoid:
1. The situation of putting an arrest on the company’s bank-account which will appear because of the tardy handing of statements to the state authorities.
2. The misinformation about the company’s functioning and current financial activities.
3. The breach of security of company’s financial means, valuable documents and the other material values.
How the functioning is realized?
At the beginning we receive all the initial and necessary documents. The transfer of documents can be realized in our company or in client’s work-place. Then we check the exactness of document’s structure proceed from the Armenian legislation’s claim. After the working out the initial documents, it is necessary to realize the accounting of all the economic activities. The employee’s salary’s final calculations, document’s formulation can be realized by the special agreement. The accounting supposes also the formation of absent but necessary document’s list. The tax and accounting statements will be handed to the corresponding state authorities.
By entrusting to our company with your accounting you not only save up your money but also create the conditions for your company’s effective work. The account service’s outsourcing is the possibility to save up money and time recourse. The necessity of permanent accountant disappears, removes the problems connected with the searching of the qualified professionals
and theirs material stimulus, and excludes the problems of target manuals, annual holydays, hospital sheets and exclusion. As a rule, if we take account the salary’s taxes, extra expenses and social package besides the salaries of the accountants the account service’s outsourcing is cheaper for company, than the hired specialist.
According to the Armenian tax law, regardless of the property’s and organization’s form all the organizations, foreign company’s branches and representatives, non-resident legal and physical persons must pay the taxes, if there are not other thing provided by tax law. The entrepreneurs also must pay the tax; account the profits and expenses proceed from their commercial activity’s results. It must be realized uninterrupted from the beginning of the registration till the reorganization or liquidation.
The organizations must present the accounting statements to the tax organs each quarter while after the 4th quarter must present the annual accounting statement and the balance.
The duty of presenting the accounting statement arises from the moment of registration, and not of the current account’s opening or activity promotion.
The non presentation or tardy presentation provokes the punishment provided by the legislation.
According to the low the responsible person for the organization of the accounting is the manager of enterprise. If you have not a chief accountant, you can apply to us. We will solve all your problems connected with accounting:
• We suggest you our specialized accountant temporary, until you will find yours.
• In our office we manage the accounting on the base of the information represented by you.
• We affirm the staff’s and salary’s accounting.
• We elaborate accounting policy, documents taking into a consideration all the juridical and tax specifities.
• We prepare the initial documents.
• We restore the accounting.
• We suggest the optimal system of compulsion.
• We calculate the taxes.
• We hand all the necessary statement.
In the case of difficulties we will not desert our work; we will solve this problem with combined efforts. We will never be discharged, never take a holiday; we will never need the pregnancy and maternity benefits. We work at any weather and we are always in good spirits.
The payments for us are less than for the accountant.
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The company "Germany Business Association" expresses its sincere gratitude to the specialists of law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for qualified help and support in solving existing problems.
Country Director Patrick Jung