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Les services pour des personnes physiques 

Le droit du logement

5. La protection des droits de salariés

6.  La protection des droits de consommateurs

7.  Le droit de la famille

8.  La propriété intellectuelle

9.  L’assistance pendant les incidents routiers

10. Le droit administratif

11. L’aide fiscal

12.  La rédaction des documents

13.  La défense juridique

Les services pour les entrepreneurs

1. La consultation des spécialistes

2.  Li droit des sociétés. Les actions.

3. L’audit juridique

4. L’enregistrement des entrepreneurs

5. La licence

6. Les biens immobiliers

7.  Le droit foncier

8. Le droit fiscal

9.  Le droit du travail

10. Le droit du travail

11. Le droit administratif

12.  L’assistance juridique aux transactions

13.  La règlementation extrajudiciaire des litiges

14.  La résolution des différends avant la Cour

15.  Les cours. Les cours de première instance. La cour administrative

16.  La procédure d’exécution



Making amendments in the bill of RA «Breaking the Established Order compulsory military service of the citizens” will be debated in the National Assembly agenda

Making amendments in the bill of RA «Breaking the Established Order compulsory military service of the citizens” will be debated in the National Assembly agenda

The current version of the law enabled person who fled the military during the period of muster, from 1992 until December 1, 2013 to get rid of criminal liability by paying money. After adopting the   discussed law  this period will be extended for one year, until  the 1-st of December 2014.
Remember that the payments made under the  requirements of Article 5 of the Law, were used for expenses of military goods acquisition.
The law intended to deliver individuals of    27 years of age from criminal responsibility who did not serve in the armed forces of Armenia and avoided military service during the period from spring 1992 until the 1-st of December 2014, but who further paid penalties for it. Depending on particular social group of the citizens Penalties, varies from 30 – 100 fold of minimal wage, and in some cases, citizens are exempt from paying. According to Article 5 of the Law,  penalties paid by citizens are used for military needs,  in the order established by Government of the Republic of Armenia.
It should be noted that individuales of 27 years of age who did not serve in the armed forces of Armenia and avoided military service, or citizens compulsory exempted from military service or acquired deferment bases , who paid mandatory fees, get a decision that the charges and criminal prosecution against them are stopped after which they get a  military card and are being recorded in reserve.
Attorneys of the office “your legal counsel" provides service for legal advice and advocacy to those people who want to get rid of compulsory military service on the grounds of the law. If you want to get the right guidance without unnecessary legal troubles, contact our experts who have long work experience in military cases to the client's interests.

In case of any questions contact us by this address :

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"Redmarker" LLC thanks the law firm "Your Jurisconsult" for rendered legal services during the checks by supervising organs. Special thanks to the company's lawyers, who have provided significant support, helped to find the way  out from the  existing situation  with dignity and save the image of our company. Today, due to many years of experience and high level qualifications, "Your Jurisconsult" is beyond comparison!

IT Director Ivan Baranovich
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