Draft Criminal Сode provides criminal liability for legal entities

Deputy Justice Minister, Deputy Authorized Representative of the Government of the RA to the European Court of Human Rights Arman Tatoyan stated, that in accordance with Draft Criminal Code of Armenia, legal entities shall be subject to criminal liability: “At this moment legal entities are subject to neither criminal nor administrative liability in the Republic of Armenia. For example, in Germany administrative liability for legal entities is provided, but they are also switching over to criminal liability. I am sure that implementation of such an institute will facilitate struggle against crime in Armenia”. He also expressed his hope that a working group would have been able to submit Draft Criminal Code of Armenia to National Assembly by the end of the next session. But at the same time he didn’t exclude that it could be submitted to the National Assembly next year.
On July 4, 2015 the Government of the Republic of Armenia approved Draft Criminal Code concept. The concept will let increase level of the security of human rights, exclude incorrect application of criminal provisions, judicial mistakes due to definition of the rules of qualification and clear formulation of the formal elements of crime as well as increase the level of efficiency of criminal punishments.
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